Her anger

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It's almost been 2 weeks since Aaradhna again joined her work. The couple took out some time for each other , from their responsibility as a doctor. Either both of them were working at the same time or at alternatives.

Getting time for each other was a difficult task but they never had any  kind of insecurity as they both were aware about their hectic work schedule.

One fine day  when Abhiyansh was having his lunch  in his cabin when Arjun came to him panting, hardly able to speak.

"Arjun, have water. Take long breaths, then we'll talk."

He drank the glass of water in one go and said,

"Abhi I was gone on a round to check all my patients when I heard two females doctors taking about bhabhi being unconscious. I enquired them and they confirmed it. I went to her cabin but she was not there. Then I found her on a patient bed. I went to her , I don't know yet if she's awake or not, as her eyes were closed. It might be just normal, but I think you should go and have a check on her. She is working too much from a few days. "

Arjun guided Abhiyansh towards the room where Aaradhna was resting.

"You meet her and I'll wait at door, as bhabhi don't want others to know about you guys,so I'll guard you." Arjun said chuckling.

Abhiyansh went in a held Aaradhna's hand , by his touch she opens her eyes. Abhiyansh had a worry on his face looking at his wife in such a condition.
Aaradhna with a smile said,
"Ansh I am totally fine. It was just because of mere weakness. Please don't take unnecessary tensions."

Abhiyansh was still holding her hand. It felt hot. Then he put his palm on her forehead only to find it burning hot.

"Hey you are having feaver. Let me ask for a thermometer."

He went towards Arjun to let him ask any nurse to bring a thermometer. Arjun came with a thermometer in his hand and gave it to Abhiyansh.

When checked, Aaradhna was found having a high feaver.

"Aaradhna now you are going home."

She tried to protest but was again cut by abhiyansh,

"Either you walk by yourself or I'll take you in my arms till the parking lot. Decision is yours."

Aaradhna didn't want people to make new stories about them so she followed him till the parking lot.

The car ride till home was a silent one. Aaradhna was silent because of the weakness and Abhiyansh because of anger.

As they reached home, Abhiyansh took Aaradhna in his arms in bridal style and went directly towards their room upstairs. He put her bed and went from their without saying anything.

He went to the kitchen and made some soup and went towards her room.

"Have it." He said sitting behind Aaradhna after making her sit with the support of the head rest of the bed.

She had the soup without speaking a single word. He then gave her the fever medicine and said in a cold tone,
"You better rest till I am back from hospital and you are taking a two days off excluding today. And don't you dare to again start working on files from home."


"Aaradhna please, I don't want to talk to you now. Please take rest and have your medicine on time."he again said with a straight face.

He went back to the hospital.

Aaradhna's pov

He left,
He seriously left
He was cold and a bit rude.

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