The Reveal!

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Aaradhna's pov

It's been a week since that incident when I forgave him for drinking or ignoring me . We were both engrossed in work while ansh was more stressed and had no time to even have a proper rest as he contributed in the arrangements of the the event and at the same time he had to be a doctor too.

Tomorrow in the evening we have the auction on the special day the chairman of hospital Dr. Vidhuraj Sharma and his wife Dr Meghna Sharma's marriage anniversary. They have completed their 50 years together as a couple truly in love which is actually growing every single day and sometimes I wish Ansh and I can also be like them or maybe better than them as a couple one day.

Some of my female colleagues including Vani and the bitch too were sitting in the cafeteria. Some of them were discussing about what they are going to wear something sexy to impress their crushes . And from their discussion I came to the conclusion that I had to something western today and ofcourse my husband would be flat looking at her beautiful wife .(I said with a smirk on my face.)

But when I came back home I saw a box on the bed saying ,
"Biwi,Your dress for tomorrow's function. Hope you'll like it but, please open it tomorrow while getting ready not before that."

So my lovely considerate husband has already selected a dress for me so the headache of finding a perfect dress just vanished off. Uff thankyou jaan.


Abhiyansh's pov

So it's the day, the auction day and then the anniversary celebration. I am excited, yeah I am but not for the party or the auction but about my wife , how she would look in the dress I selected. And many more such questions.

I entered our room and found my dear heart getting ready in the dress I choose for her. Her black off shoulder gown defining her body curves perfectly as if it was her second skin .Her waist length black hairs curled slightly at the ends. Her beautiful brown orbs shining brightly which were somehow screaming happiness. And her beautiful face which had the most adorable smile and loveliest part was the pendant which she is wearing since the day one since I have given it to her.

I moved towards her and she was busy doing her makeup so I decided not to disturb my sweetheart so I just bent to her level as she was sitting and kissed her hairline and went towards the closet to change in a three-piece suit.

Aardhna's POV

(Sorry for changing the povs again and again but it is needed.😐)

After getting ready for the event, we head to where the event is going to be conducted .

"There are many guests other than the doctors. Some business men and some other people too. If you feel like going home than do inform me , I'll take you home and you don't need to be sticked by my side , though I know you'll not ." Ansh said chuckling.

"You do know me well Dr Khanna." I replied joining his laugh.

"It's only Ansh for you , Mrs Abhiyansh. I just hate listening to you addressing me as abhiyansh or any other formality. You know that right ?" He questions me holding me too close to him by my waist.

"Ansh everyone's here. And look at how you are holding me ." I said trying my best not to shutter and eventually I succeeded in it.

"Good for you that you remember it's ansh for you . Now I'll be getting going. Love you." Abhiyansh leaves my waist and swiftly kisses on my forehead and disappeared in the crowd without waiting for the reply.

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