ONE More Bomb!!!!

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Aardhna's POV

It's been a week since I threw a bomb of our marriage, and ofcourse I have no regrets. Talking about regrets , I just regret not watching the moment when that bitch would approach my man for being her boyfriend.

Everything is as blissful as ever , the memories of that night in that room are still fresh, just thinking about it makes my cheeks go crimson red leaving the fact that what would happen when everything would happen.

Right now I am heading towards ved bhai's room as he called me for a piece of advice. It not an everyday thing that VED KHANNA calls his sister/ sister in law for some advice.

As I entered the room after getting a reply saying please come. I saw Bhai pacing back and forth in the room making me dizzy.

"Ohh Bhai bss kro, kitna ghoomoge mujhe chakkar aa jae ge aise ." I said holding my head .

"Aara I nervous, confused and don't ask me what not."

"And about what may I know." I said raising my eyebrow .

He sat on the couch in front of mine ."I wanna marry siya." He blurted out.

I squealed in joy. "Wow bhai that's great but wait what's the issue then? Is she not ready?" I asked.

"Are meri behna ready to siya tab hogi tab Tera ye Bhai use propose krega." He said looking at floor with a sad face.

"Ohh God bhai,I know which piece of advice you want."

I asked about siya's preferences and gave him some ideas to select from so it's decided that he would propose her where they first met. And ofcourse I am gonna help my brother as I want to enjoy in their wedding.


"Ansh I wanna sleep please turn off the lights and cuddle with me. Comeee." I said

But to my surprise he ignored me and was still using his phone sitting on the couch.

"Hey Mr. ignoring, your wife is calling you ."
Still he didn't gave a single glance at me.

I was now furious , after sometime many days we got home at the same time. I snatched his phone, kept it on the coffee table and sat on his lap entangling my legs in his torso and hands behind his neck.

"Mr ignoring, I missed you. " I said snuggling more into him.

"No response, no hugging back , no holding my waist, no kisses, no words. Great"

I said and was about to leave when he suddenly attacked my lips hungrily and urgently. After a much needed kiss we both broke it and were panting hard to get as much oxygen we could get.

"Why do you want my attention when you simply ignored me and went to Ved and literally came after 2 hours just telling me that you'll be back in some time . Not that I am jealous of him but I wanna eat you raw for ignoring me just to go to him."

I gulped hard listening to his hoarse voice .

"Vo..vo...I was just helping him with how he would propose siya " I told his honesty.

I was still in the same position as I mentioned before and suddenly he grabbed me by my hips and made his way towards the bed . He almost threw me on the bed but carefully inorder not to hurt me . He went to his side and lied down but too much far way from me.


No response


No response again

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