1) Desperate Hopes

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Eight years ago

(15 plus 8 equals 23 years ahead.)

In a hospital room, a girl lies unconscious on a bed. An elderly woman, Mrs. Aram, who is the girl's mother, is by her side. The girl's name is Freen.

Freen's eyes are closed, and in her unconscious state, she keeps repeating, "Siya, Siya."

Freen is taken into the operating room.

Mrs. Aram watches Freen and says, "Freen, you will recover soon, my dear."

The doctor interjects : Doctor: We made a hundred thousand efforts to bring Freen back to consciousness, but we couldn't succeed.

"How many times have I told you that Siya, the girl whose name Freen keeps taking, should call her here to meet Freen once., otherwise it will be difficult for us to save Freen. Even if good treatment is given to Freen, it will still be difficult for us to save her."

Mrs. Aram breaks into tears and pleads : "Please, doctor, don't let me lose my daughter. This genetic disease has already taken one of my children. I can't bear to lose another. Please, save my daughter."

The doctor explains : "Look, now no one can save Freen except Siya, no matter how good the treatment or how much money we spend. It won't make a difference. I don't know what connection Siya has with Freen; she only calls out one name repeatedly when she regains consciousness. I don't know what that name means to Freen, but you do. Why aren't you listening to me? Why aren't you calling Siya to meet Freen?

Mrs. Aram: (Mrs. Aram, wiping her tears, speaks suddenly) Because Siya is not in Thailand; she is in India. That's why I can't call Siya here, and Siya has a past with Freen. I don't know what Siya is doing now; all I know is that she hates Freen a lot, a lot.

(After saying this, Mrs. Aram goes to the doctor and pleads with folded hands.)

Mrs. Aram : Doctor, it's very difficult for Siya to come here; she will never come back to Thailand, and meeting Freen is out of the question. I don't want to lose my daughter, doctor, please do something, but please save my daughter, doctor, please, please.

Doctor: (The doctor lowers Mrs. Aram's hand and says) Alright, Mrs. Aram, if it's like that, we'll try. But remember, this will be our last attempt. If Freen doesn't regain consciousness after this, we won't be able to tell when or if she will ever wake up again.

(After saying this, the doctor goes to the operating room, and Mrs. Aram sits on the prayer bench, crying.)

(After some time, the doctor comes out and remains silent.

Mrs. Aram, seeing the doctor, rushes to him and asks): Doctor, what happened? Did Freen regain consciousness?

Doctor: (disappointed, he says) No, Mrs. Aram, we couldn't bring Freen back to consciousness, and her condition is deteriorating. I am sorry; we might not be able to save Freen now.

Mrs. Aram: Please, Doctor, don't say that. Please do something, save my daughter. I don't want to lose her; if something happens to her, my granddaughter will become an orphan. I can't bear to see my daughter die in front of my eyes.

Doctor: Only God can save Freen now; we have tried our best. The rest of the decision is in your hands now.

(After saying this, the doctor leaves.)
Mrs. Aram goes to Mrs. Freen, who is unconscious and lying on the bed with a breathing machine. Mrs. Aram sits beside her and starts crying.

Mrs. Aram: (Crying) Freen, forgive me, my child. I couldn't do much for you in my entire life. After your father's death, you managed everything, took care of yourself, me, and your brother. From childhood to adulthood, you've only faced struggles. Struggles for love, struggles to earn money, struggles for yourself. And today, you're struggling just to live. I can't bear to see you struggle anymore, my child.

(Mrs. Aram holds Freen's hand, kisses it, and promises her) I promise, my child, I will go to India and bring Siya back to Thailand. Your mother will bring Siya back from Thailand. This is your mother's promise to you. (Mrs. Aram kisses Freen's forehead and then leaves the room.)

Mrs. Aram: (speaking to the doctor) Doctor, I can't bear to see my daughter suffer any longer, so I've made the decision to go to India 🇮🇳 to bring Siya back to Thailand.

Doctor: That's a very good decision, Mrs. Aram. I hope Siya, being the angel she is, will make a difference in Freen's life, and Freen recovers quickly upon her arrival. But please try not to delay; aim to return to Thailand within a week, or Freen's condition may worsen.

Mrs. Aram: Yes, doctor, I will leave for India tomorrow. Also, I have one more request.

Doctor: Please go ahead, Mrs. Aram.

Mrs. Aram: Doctor, my daughter has no one in this world except me, so I humbly request you to take care of her until I return to Thailand.

Doctor: You can go to India without worry, Mrs. Aram. I have been your family doctor even before becoming a doctor, and Freen is like my own daughter. I promise to take care of Freen as if she were my own. That's my commitment to you.

Mrs. Aram: Thank you, doctor.

Mrs. Aram returns home, and she hears the voice of Siya.

Siya is Freen's 6 - year-old daughter, and she rushes outside and hugs her grandmother.

{ Evening, 7:00 PM
Mrs. Arm's Home }

Siya asks, "Grandma, where's Mommy?"

"Mrs. Aram doesn't respond to Siya, and tears well up in her eyes."

Siya asks, "Grandma, what happened? Did someone scold you? If someone scolded you, I'll tell Mommy, and she'll punish them. Mommy is very strong, right, Grandma?"

Mrs. Aram assures her, "Yes, she's very strong." But we need to make your mom much stronger than before.

Siya inquires, "So, what do we need to do, Grandma?"

Mrs. Aram explains, "We need to introduce your Mommy to someone she loves."

Siya asks excitedly, "Are you talking about Siya Singhania?"

Grandma confirms, "Yes, dear, I'm talking about your role model, Siya Singhania."

Siya smiles and says, "Then Mommy will become strong quickly because Siya Singhania is very strong, Mommy says."

Mrs. Aram adds, "That's right, my child."

Siya asks, "So, what do we need to do, Grandma?"

Mrs. Aram says, "We need to make your Mommy meet her because your Mommy is not willing to meet her."

Siya asks, "Why doesn't she want to meet her?"

Mrs. Aram explains,"Because she is angry with your mother ".

Siya says, "Okay, no problem. I'll give her my doll then she will be happy

Mrs. Aram replies, "That's my girl."

Grandma says, "We will go to meet her."

Siya asks excitedly, "We will go to India to meet Siya Singhania?"

Grandma replies, "Yes, dear, we will go to India to meet Siya Singhania."

Siya jumps with joy and exclaims, "Wow, we will go to India to meet Siya Singhania!"

Mrs. Aram says, "Alright, dear, go to your room and rest."

Siya says, "Okay, Grandma."

Siya goes to her room, and Mrs. Aram goes to her room as well.

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