The Bake Off

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Taylor finally had a one month break in her schedule after promoting the new album, she had planned to spend every moment of it in Kansas City with Travis. She would still have tour rehearsals to learn the new Tortured Poet's Department section of her concert; but most of that time will be spent in the arms of Travis. Her plane touched down and she was already waiting at the door of the plane so eager to get to Travis' house and throw her arms around his neck. When security opened her door and led her down the steps of the plane she saw Travis standing outside the back door of the car waiting for her with a huge grin on his face. She squealed causing security to jump and be at alert but they relaxed when Taylor took off and jumped into Travis' arms. "What are you doing here?! I thought I was meeting you at your place." Taylor asked. "I couldn't wait another fifteen minutes between the airport and my house. "I missed you Angel." His hands were wrapped in her natural curly, untamed hair. She blushed and leaned up to kiss him. He guided her into the car and held her hand all the way back to his place.

Later that night after Taylor was settled in and comfortable, Travis brought her a glass of wine and she leaned her back into his chest. They sat in comfortable silence for a while before either of them spoke. "Oh God- I missed this." Taylor finally exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. Travis responded by kissing the top of her head. Another few moments passed when Travis began to talk. "Hey so I need to run something by you." Travis said running his fingers up and down Taylor's arm- knowing it comforted her. Taylor sat up and looked at him quizzically sensing the serious tone in his voice. "So my brother is hosting a small family get together for my niece Wyatt's birthday in a few days. It'll just be my mom and dad, and of course Jason, Kylie, and my nieces. Would you be up to going? Meeting my brother and ky?" He asked a little nervous. Taylor stared at him a moment trying to find the right words. She knew this was coming after their future talk last week. "Of course I don't mind meeting your family but I have to admit that makes me so nervous I want to throw up." She says running her pointer finger over the rim of her glass- avoiding eye contact. "Why is that angel?" He asks taking her glass from her and setting it on the coffee table before holding her hand. "Travis that is your BROTHER. The one America LOVES and his wife is like America's sweetheart." Travis smirked and inserted "if Kylie Kelce heard you call her America's sweetheart she would bury herself in the backyard." He chuckled and Taylor moaned throwing her head back on the sofa. "I'm serious Trav- I know they are a massive part of your world and I'm afraid that they'll not like me. Or be turned away by my large amounts of security. Or be annoyed that it's safer for me to enter through the garage. Or-" she was cut off when Travis kissed her to shut her up. "As much as I gush and turn into a massive, blushing sap when I talk about you they already love you." Travis said. Taylor covered her face with her hands and chucked at her boyfriends words. "I bet you act like a like a little school girl." She chuckled and then shrieked as Travis poked her in her side. "No ma'am. You don't get to tease me tonight." They both started laughing.

"I just hope I'll make a good impression is all. I don't want to do anything to mess us up. We really have a good thing going here." She felt heat in her eyes and blinked fast so there would be no trace of tears in her eyes. Once again, her past relationship trauma shining. Thinking she's not good enough or will mess everything up like she's been conditioned to feel. Travis immediately could tell her self-doubt was rising, he lifted her chin and kissed her passionately. He grabbed her thighs with one hand and using his other hand guided her upper back down to the couch. "I guess someone needs some reassurance." He kissed her forehead- nobody- he kissed her cheek- will- he kissed her other cheek- EVER- he kissed her nose (causing her to giggle)- be- he kissed her temple- more important- he kissed her lips as passionately as he could muster- than you. He allowed his trail of kisses to follow down her neck and over her collarbone. Taylor tensed as she allowed sexual tension wash over her. Travis pulled away and made sure Taylor caught eye contact with him "do you understand?" He asked seriously. Wanting nothing more than take away every doubt and fear she'd ever felt. She bit her lip and nodded. Travis could tell she was going to be nervous for the meet and greet with his family but he let it ride for the evening.

The day of the meet up at Jason's house arrived and Travis woke up to clattering coming from the kitchen. He turned over and checked his phone 6:13 a.m. he groaned and pulled himself out of bed to find Taylor looking disheveled. Her hair was thrown up into a messy bun, there was flour, sugar, and what appeared to be icing all over the place. Taylor was moving around the kitchen frantically. Travis stopped her by grabbing her biceps. She looked up at him with splotches of icing and flour all over her face and neck. Travis couldn't help but giggle at the sight. "Dare I ask what you're doing?" He said through giggles. "I'm baking." She answered matter of factly. "Yes, but why?" He said wiping some flour off of her nose.  Taylor began to ramble like she does when she's nervous: "I'm baking for your family. I made raspberry bars, lemon cookies, I had chocolate chip cookies but I threw them away because I remembered your mom has a really good recipe and I didn't want her to think I was trying to one up her, and then I made chocolate fudge, and now I'm making my homemade pop tarts. Do you think that covers enough? I don't want them to think I'm not normal because I can be ordinary and do normal stuff like bake." She finally met his gaze and saw a big goofy smile on his face as he listened to her ramble. She felt her skin blush so hard you could roast marshmallows over her face. She smacked Travis in the chest which caused him to laugh harder. "You're absolutely, unbelievably adorable." He said. "But you really need to relax. They are very excited to meet you." Taylor sighed and looked around the kitchen. "I did overkill it, didn't I?" She asked a little embarrassed. "Absolutely not. We'll bring our own little dessert sampler- but, no more baking. You need sleep so you don't turn crazy."  Taylor gigged. "Yeah, okay. I'll just finish icing the pop tarts." Travis nodded and watched as she diligently iced each pop tart perfectly. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and set his head on her shoulder. "Watching you do this is making me hungry." He said. "You can have one, they are a little warm but should be ready to eat." She responded. "Or, instead of a pop tart, I could technically eat you."  She turned her head questioningly to him. He responded by kissing the flour and icing off of her face. She threw her head all the way back onto his shoulder and dropped the spoon she was using back into the icing bowl, laughing. Part at travis' silliness and part at the fact that he was tickling her. Travis smiled against her skin as he continued to plant tiny, ticklish kisses over the icing and flour. She reached up to cover her neck and push him away but he held her firmly into place and added tiny pinches into her sides that caused small giggles to bellow from her throat. She moved her hands down to try and push his hands off of her torso, leaving her neck exposed. "Travis! Stop! You're tickling me." She said through faint giggles. "I know Angel. I've seen too much self-doubt and not enough laughing and giggling." And with that, he scooped her up bridal style and took her to the couch. He laid her down and continued to pretend to eat her. She was laughing more at the childish, over exaggerated behavior he put on display. "I'm soooo hungry." Travis said sitting on top of Taylor pretending to look around for something to eat. Taylor giggled in anticipation and covered her face with her hands. Travis grabbed her hands and proceeded to quickly sniff her neck, similar to a bunny, trying to find his "food." This left Taylor giggling so much she started kicking the couch underneath her feet. He stopped to let her breathe for a second. "I think I found my breakfast." He said with one eyebrow raised and a childish grin on his face he couldn't wipe away. He planted small, fast, ticklish kisses all over her face until she was a giggling mess. "Travis!! Okay!!!! I'm not doubting anymore" she said as she let a small snort escape her nose. Travis looked up and smiled at her. "Good. I promise you have nothing to worry about, okay? Let's get you a nap."

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