The Family

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Travis and Taylor stood at the back door of Kylie and Jason's house and waited for someone to greet them. "Travis.." Taylor started but the nerves inside of her couldn't let her finish her sentence. Travis tilted her chin up and made her look at him. "Angel, if anyone doesn't like you they are crazier than crazy. You are beautiful, smart, caring, and funny. They will love you and I know you and Kylie will be best friends in no time." Taylor nodded at him with a smile and heard footsteps approaching behind them. "Travis is right Taylor, I just know you will be a perfect addition to my other three kids- Kylie included. Don't be nervous, okay?" Donna interjected with a pat on Taylor's arm. Taylor released a breath she didn't know she was holding as she heard Jason open the door. "Good afternoon everyone!" Jason said in his loud booming dad voice. "Come in, come in." Kylie said from behind Jason. Everyone filed in and Taylor held tight to Travis' arm and hid slightly behind him. She had never ever been one to be shy so she wasn't sure why the nerves completely crippled her- but she assumed it was because she just knew this was her future in-laws. Kylie came over and enveloped Taylor in a hug. "It is SO NICE to finally meet you! Travis talks about you so much I feel like I already know you on a more personal level." She said with a giggle that made Taylor blush a deep red. Kylie leaned over and whispered "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you embarrassed. Me and you can escape to our back patio or another room later if you want. Jason and Travis together is sometimes exhausting." She said with a giggle. "I'd really like that, I've been excited to meet someone experienced in the Kelce brother life." Taylor giggled and continued "I made some homemade treats. If you want to point to the kitchen I can put them in there?" "I'll walk with you! I know the girls will be ready to see everyone."

A few moments later everyone's heads flipped around when they heard "GRANDMA, UNCLE TRAVVY" being yelled from across the house. They both braced for impact as Elliotte and Wyatt came running at them full force. "My girlies!!" Travis exclaimed and took turns with his mom hugging each one. "I have someone so special I want you to meet. This is Taylor, my very special friend. She might want to be a part of the family one day so I need you to test her out and make sure she's fun and silly and nice." Travis said and looked at Taylor with a wink. Taylor knelt down to their level. "I am so happy to meet you two girls. Uncle Travis talks about you so much it's like your famous!!" The girls giggled and each took one of Taylor's hands. "Do you want to play with us? Lets play with our baby doll!" Taylor looked over her shoulder at Travis and winked. "More important people are summoning me- I'll see you later." She giggled and Travis called after her "don't be a tease!" He said with a smirk. She averted her gaze from him, hoping he didn't catch her blush. Taylor was already feeling comfortable here.

"Here! You can rock this baby while I feed the other one!" Wyatt exclaimed handing Taylor a baby doll and bottle. Elliotte, already losing interest, returned her focus to the cartoon playing on the TV. Taylor put the baby doll in the crook of her arm and fed the baby as directed. This game continued on for a few moments before Wyatt grew bored. "Will you read to me?" She asked looking up at her with huge sparkling eyes. "Of course sweet girl!! You pick a book and meet me on this sofa!" Wyatt ran off giggling and came back with a story called "Are you ticklish?" Taylor giggled at the silly title and opened it up to read it. Kylie stuck her head in the playroom and saw Wyatt snuggled up to Taylor. "Everything okay in here?" Kylie asked heading towards the couch. She continued before anyone could answer "ah, you found your current favorite book." She continued again, "I'm going to hang in here. It's loud out there." Taylor laughed. "I noticed the increased volume." "They turned on sports center." Julie responded; and the girls nodded at each other in instant understanding as to why it's loud now. Taylor reverted her attention back to the book and began to read. The book went through common ticklish places on the body and directed the reader to tickle the listener. Taylor did so sparingly not wanting to overwhelm Wyatt on their first meeting. However, Wyatt egged her on and practically begged for the physical affection. Taylor moved Wyatt to her lap and gave in to the little girl's desire. Travis showed up at the door and watched on as Taylor, and now Kylie, teased Wyatt with much accepted tickles. "This doesn't seem like a fair fight does it?" Travis asked as he walked over to the couch. Both ladies stopped and Wyatt piped up and announced "help me escape uncle travvy!" "Say no more Angel." He walked over to Kylie and ruffled her hair messily and gave her knee a quick few pinches as she squealed ticklishly- much like a brother taking a sister. He then turned his playful demeanor towards Taylor. Taylor could feel heat rising up her neck in anticipation. Travis crouched down eye level with Wyatt "how should I get her back do you think?" He was talking to Wyatt but his gaze never left Taylor's face. He could sense her unease and added to it by sending over a wink. Wyatt leaned down and whispered in his ear and he turned and said excitedly "I was thinking the same!!" Travis turned his attention back to Taylor and laughed as her face flushed a deep read and she held her hands out in anticipation. Wyatt began cheering and Kylie giggled and excused herself to no doubt go warn the others about the sequels that were to elicit from the room. Travis darted his hands out and lightly tickled her stomach for a few seconds. When Taylor bit her lip and no laughter emerged Travis turned to Wyatt and asked "where should I try next? What does your book say?" Wyatt was giggling so hard and finally said "try again everyone has a ticklish tummy!" Travis lightly tickled Taylor all over her stomach and sides earning Travis what he wanted to hear- her adorable giggle. "Okay I'm sorry!!" Taylor announced to Wyatt and Travis slowed his fingers. Travis giggled at her predicament and whispered in her ear "more of that at home" and then decided to add a wink.  Taylor rolled her eyes. Travis held out his hand and helped her off the couch. "Come Angel, it's time to eat."

They all sat at a big table and ate together and laughed. They asked Taylor questions and poked fun at making both of them blush at how "adorable" they were together. Taylor had an amazing time. They ate her baked goods and in a teasing manor to get Taylor flustered as well as comfortable knowing his mom would help tease Taylor playfully, mentioned to Donna that Taylor threw out a whole batch of cookies so it didn't look like she was trying to "one up" Donna. Donna teased Taylor by stating that it must mean Taylor thinks her own are better. Taylor hid her face in her hands and kicked Travis under the table. Donna concluded that it must mean they should bake together soon. Taylor was accepted by everyone and never felt like a burden on the family once. They seemed to really love her upon first meeting her and that was enough for Taylor. Travis and Taylor departed and Travis could see that Taylor couldn't stop smiling. "I loved every minute of time with your family" she said. Travis responded: "and I'm learning that every time I think my heart could explode from how much I love you, my heart tends to grow even bigger. Seeing you with my family has really made me unbelievably happy. I'll have to talk to my nieces and get their approval but you may be wife material." He said half jokingly about getting his nieces approval but then squeezed her knee lovingly so she knew he was serious.

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