The Visit Part II

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Taylor and Travis spent the weekend never leaving the comfort of Taylor's hotel room. The weekend was spent teasing, wrestling, tickling, talking, movies, take out, and multiple rounds of sex- sometimes gentle and sometimes rough. Taylor really couldn't remember the last time she was so happy. She had decided that this trip was the trip she really wanted to sit down with Travis and talk about their futures. She didn't want to rush anything, but she wanted to make sure they were on the same page.

Taylor laid wrapped in the silk sheets with her head pressed to Travis' chest. She twirled her finger in his chest hair and he lightly scratched her shoulder. "Hey Trav?" She asked. "What's up girly?" He asked kissing the top of her head. "Ummm, well.... Never mind." She retreated from the conversation. Travis tilted her chin up to make sure she made eye contact with him. "No Taylor- you don't need to be scared to tell me anything." Taylor blinked a little shocked at the use of her real name and not a pet name- knowing he was serious. "I wanted to use this weekend.. to talk.. ummm... about the future." Taylor finally choked out breaking eye contact at the use of the word "future."  Travis smiled a big grin. He thought she was unbelievably adorable when she got all shy in that way. "I'd love that." He said and winked at her.

They moved to the living room of the hotel room and sat on the big, plush couch. Travis wrapped Taylor in a blanket. She cuddled into his side. "What exactly about our future did you want to discuss, baby?" He asked while brushing her bangs out of  her face. "Well," she began.. "all of it. "Where do you see this going? In the next six months or next year or the next five?" She asked and cocked her head to the side quizzically. Travis couldn't keep the smile off of his face. "Well, for starters I know we'll be together. This is it for me, for sure. No doubts." He continued: "marriage is a tricky topic for our careers. But I would like to see an engagement in the next six months and a wedding in another year or two. Are you comfortable with that?" He asked, seriously. Taylor leaned up and pecked his lips. "You really want to marry me one day?" She asked. Travis had never seen her beam so brightly. "I would love to marry you- a sweet, kind, gentle, perfect girly. All of you- the morning breath, teasing, hours on tour, and even the icing all over my kitchen. AND, on top of that, I'd marry a pathological people pleaser any day- because it means you love the people around you." He added quoting her lyrics from "you're losing me." A song Travis listened to and it ripped his heart out knowing some ass hat thought that about her.

Taylor blushed and smiled. She really couldn't believe what she was hearing- even as serious as she was with Joe, she knew marriage was out of the question. Matty mentioned it a few times but Taylor knew deep down that wouldn't happen. "All of that... sounds absolutely perfect." She said. "What about kids?" Travis continued the conversation. "At least two. Maybe more." Taylor said with a big grin. "I do plan to finish the Eras Tour, probably in another two years or so. I plan to take a break from touring after that. I'll never stop writing music, but the touring will be on hold for a little while." She added. Travis smiled. "Well Angel, as it works out I only plan to play in the NFL another two, three years maximum. We could really settle down and have a nice family during that time." He beamed. He had watched his brother be a dad and he always assumed it was out of the cards for him. Taylor and Travis both sat there in silence feeling complete bliss as it really seems like their schedules and life will align perfectly. After a few moments Travis finally said "I guess we should formally meet each others families now." He said with a giggle. "You've only met my mom." Taylor laughed; "yeah my parents have been hounding me, too." She said. They let the quiet take over them for a little longer. "I feel like we're engaged now." Taylor said with a chuckle. "Believe me baby, it won't be much longer." He said with a kiss to her head. Taylor blushed deep and said "you better pick a good ring, or I'll say no." She said with a smirk. Travis threw his head back with his hearty laugh everyone loved. "What happened to I'll marry you with paper rings, huh?" He asked while lightly spider tickling her stomach and sides. Taylor kicked her legs in the air and laughed, feeling the happiest she has definitely ever been.

The weekend had come to an end but it was easier to say goodbye knowing taylor had an entire month off coming up. Travis had a massive surprise waiting for her during that month to celebrate her successful new album. He also figured he would be ring shopping, very soon. The thought gave him unbelievable butterflies.

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