The Betrayal

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"I can't believe how well that went!" Taylor said with an excited shimmer in her eye. "I told you it would go well, Angel. I'm not even surprised." He said with a wink. "I hope me and Kylie find more time to hang out. I think we could relate to each other a lot having to both deal with a Kelce brother." Taylor said and glanced at Travis to wait for a reaction to her teasing. She found herself genuinely disappointed when he just let a smile tug at his lips instead of teasing her back. Taylor decided to change the conversation. "Hey baby, can I ask you something?" "Of course." He replied. "I'm missing New York. I think I'm going to fly there for just a few days. I need to make sure my apartment is okay and I wouldn't mind getting a glimpse of my city again. I wanted to let you know you don't have to come with me- unless you want to." She said shyly. Travis responded with a smile: "when do we leave?"

The next day they had decided to fly out to New York to check on Taylor's apartment and have Taylor get her slight homesickness in check. Taylor was a ball of anxious-excited energy all morning as they packed suitcases. She was in one of those overly playful, overly excited, silly moods. Nothing could bring her down today. She danced around their bedroom at Travis' house and threw some extra things into her suitcase. She had a majority of what she needed already there but wanted to bring some extras. Travis threw his deodorant in the bag and Taylor commented "for when you're stinky." He tossed in his cologne "for when you're REALLY stinky." Travis did his best to ignore her because he knew it would drive her crazy but his teasing and playful mood was coming to fruition. He tossed in his shower necessities- "for when you're so stinky I can't stand to be around you" she said this time through a plugged nose. Travis couldn't help but laugh at that one. "I'm almost done packing and then I'll be able to entertain you" he said with a wink. Travis walked into the bathroom to make sure he had everything and Taylor took his folded clothes out of his suitcase and hid them on the other side of the bed. Travis came out of the bathroom to place a few more things in his suitcase and saw items were removed. He shook his head as a smirk grew on his lips. He snapped his fingers together and said he had one more thing he needed to pack. He lunged at Taylor as she squealed loudly- her giggles never ceasing. Travis held her arms down at her sides and got close to her face- "are you asking for attention sweet girl?" She couldn't respond due to the giggles streaming out of her mouth. Travis had to laugh with her. He adored these overly-playful moods that she had from time to time. He knew it meant she was really happy- and who is he to deprive her of this little game she insisted on? He began lightly tickling her sides which elicited streams of higher pitched giggles from her mouth. "I'm waiting on an answer angel" he knew she couldn't answer through ticklish giggles, but that was the whole point- "do you want me to give you attention?" He finally relented. "I don't want attention from someone so STINKY." She said through laughter knowing she was being childish and ridiculous. "THAT does it." Travis said with a devilish smirk. That made Taylor laugh nervously as she watched Travis crawl towards her legs and feet. Realization hit her and her voice sounded playfully panicked. "TRAVIS, NO. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT." She pulled her legs to her chest and scooted back towards the headboard. Travis chuckled knowing this is EXACTLY what she wanted. He grabbed her foot and trapped it in the crook of his arm. All the time Taylor already started laughing heartily. Travis hardly ever tickled Taylor's feet because it was by far her worst spot, she could barely handle it. So he saved it for when she was being extra cheeky. He descended on her feet- tickling up and down her foot paying extra attention to the spots that made her jump and refocusing his energy there. "TRAVIS" He continued until she was a giggling, screaming mess. "TRAVIS I CANT" he finally relented and she laid there and panted and regained her breath as Travis immediately went back to what he was doing- packing his suitcase. Taylor laid there and watched him with the biggest smile on her face- this was by far the happiest she had ever been.

Travis and Taylor landed in New York and made it back to Taylor's apartment. She squealed when she entered the door and ran and jumped and landed on the couch. "Ughhhhh I missed this place so much!" Travis giggled at her and walked over and bent down and kissed her lips passionately. When he pulled away she whined. He laughed, let's unpack and then we can cook dinner together if you want. She smiled wide. Nobody had ever offered to cook with her. Her heart beamed with love and pride.

The pair moved to the master bedroom and began unpacking everything to stay for a week or two. Everything was perfect, going amazing. They were dancing around the room and Travis was singing awful to Taylor on purpose and she was laughing. Their happiness was at an all time high. Until it came crashing down within moments. "What should we make for dinner tonig-" Travis was in the closet and abruptly stopped talking mid sentence. "Baby?" Taylor asked. "Babe do you want to finish your thought?" She asked giggling as she rounded the corner of the closet. She stopped dead in her tracks. Travis was standing hovered over a drawer and holding what appeared to be an article of men's clothing that wasn't his. His fist was clenched, jaw tight, and a pained expression on his face. Taylor immediately began trembling all over her body. Words couldn't form. Past relationship trauma shining brighter than ever. It was over- the relationship. She had been here before, many times. She knew this would be the final straw for him. Shaking. She couldn't stop. Panic. Panic was filling her little by little. She knew where the clothing came from. Would he believe her? She doubted it. It looked bad through his eyes. She sunk to the ground and buried her face in her hands and sobbed. Genuinely sobbed. She sobbed harder when Travis walked right past her and out of the closet.  When he didn't stop to wipe her tears like he has always done- she thought she could pass out. She laid down on the floor of the closet, shaking, crying, and mad at herself for being so weak and not just telling him where the clothing came from.

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