The Recovery

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The next morning came fast. Travis averaged about an hour of sleep all together. He just sat and watched Taylor sleep, periodically checking her temperature to make sure it wasn't getting high again. He spoke to Andrea and Scott every few hours assuring that he had it handled as they were visiting Austin. Travis' mom, Donna, decided to fly in to see if she could be of assistance. She only met taylor a handful of times but had grown to absolutely adore her just as she did Kylie. Travis was so thankful his mom was coming. He did feel like everything was under control but it was something about having his mom close by that made him feel even more at ease. Taylor stirred and let out a load moan. Travis was instantly at her side, holding her hand. Taylor fluttered her eyes open and immediately closed them. "What happened?? I'm so dizzy. The room is spinning." She said weakly. "You collapsed at rehearsal. You're severely dehydrated and on the verge of hospitalization." Travis responded. "What??" Taylor asked in a state of shock. Her memories slowly started returning from the night prior. "Oh yeah. I couldn't finish rehearsal." She said with her eyes still shut. "No worries there baby. You'll be better in just a few days max. But you have to rest and get your energy up and drink so much fluids." "Yes, doctor." Taylor said jokingly with the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Travis let out a hearty laugh. So thankful to see her somewhat better. "Watch out missy, you better not tease me." He said as he rubbed his finger lovingly across her cheek. She let her eyes flutter open as she heard a knock at the bedroom door. "Good morning!" Dr. Michael exclaimed. "How was my patient last night?" "He was okay but he wasn't a very good listener." Taylor joked talking about Travis. Travis poked her in her side. She let out a weak squeal.  "We just talked about that teasing young lady." She giggled very weakly. "I'm sorry! You just make it too easy." Dr. Michael laughed. I'm so glad to see you awake and alert, Taylor. You gave us quiet a scare last night. Taylor glanced up to Travis who immediately averted his gaze from hers. "Was it that bad? I'm okay though, right?" She asks. "Yes." Dr. Michael started; "but, you are severely dehydrated. Let me give you another exam and we will figure out the next course of action. Yourfever was almost 105 last night." He explained. Taylor laid back as she received her exam. Dr. Michael was extra thorough to assure that he wouldn't miss anything. "Alright taylor, I'm going to give you another bag of IV fluids. After that, you should be okay to start drinking a large amount of liquid. Water and Gatorade only. Alternate. Electrolytes are important to help dehydration. Stay in bed one week. Rest as much as possible. Move around occasionally so you don't lose stamina. Will someone be here to take care of you?" Dr. Michael asks. "Yes, doc. I'll be here most of the time but when I'm not here my mom will be. She's almost here." He glances down at Taylor to read her reaction to make sure she's okay with that. She looks at him and smiles. She only met Donna a few times but when she did she really hit it off with her. She was a little embarrassed this was the state she'd be seeing her in but that's what family is for. The doctor hooked up the next iv bag and Travis went to fill up her extra large water bottle. When Taylor was settled he left and instructed he'd back before she went to sleep that night to triple check she was okay. Travis was so grateful. Once he was gone, he scurried in the bed with Taylor. "You look absolutely awful." Taylor said with a little more lively tone to her voice. But she kind of meant it. "Yeah, I didn't get a ton of sleep but I'm okay." He said with a smile. "Travis. You need to take a nap right now!" She demanded. "Taylor I promise I'm okay. Knowing you're okay is all I need. Plus it worked out. I got a ton of playbook studying done." He assured her. "Well you lazy sack of potatoes what do you want to do? Board game? Movie? Nap?" He joked. She let out a small laugh and snuggled as close to him as humanly possible. "Movie first." She said and then continued "no, nap first." Travis chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "How about we watch a movie and if we fall asleep, thats okay?" Taylor smiled. "Sounds perfect! What do you want to watch?" She asked. "You're the sick one- you pick." He shrugged. Taylor thought for a moment and decided on The Notebook. "Before you are allowed to watch or sleep I want to see five big sips of that water." Travis said in his serious tone. "I guess the doctor is back. Maybe you should be the one to give me my next exam." She said with a wink. Travis blushed a little and smiled. "I'll give you an exam when you're all better, but for now there needs to be water in that belly." He said and tickled her softly on the stomach. She giggled immediately and tried to turn away from him. Travis stopped and shook his head at her. "I'm serious though. Five sips." Taylor agreed but could only choke down 4 sips. "I'll take four sips. Thats good sweetie." He said and kissed her cheek. Not wanting to make her sick. He played with her hair until she drifted off to sleep. He held her as close as humanly possible and eventually drifted off himself.

A few hours later Donna arrived and was brought in by security. It was now almost lunch time. When she arrived security escorted her inside and let her know that Travis was with Taylor. Donna made her way up the steps to let them know she had arrived but when she opened the door she saw them both asleep. Although Taylor was looking a little better since last night, her shocking appearance worried Donna. She saw the thermometer and took her temperature, relieved to see it was actually normal. She left them alone and decided to start cooking for when they woke up, realizing that may not be until later. She cooked spaghetti and meatballs, prepared a salad, and made fresh garlic bread. The "kids" still weren't awake so she continued on with baking her homemade chocolate chip cookies. At that time she heard movement down the stairs, she saw Taylor trying to make it down the stairs by herself and Donna ran to her side holding Taylor's arm up. Taylor looked weak and exhausted just from trying to walk down the stairs. "Taylor you shouldn't be doing this all by yourself!" She exclaimed. "I know." Taylor said as tears threatened to burn her eyes. "But Travis stayed up all night long caring for me and I didn't want to burden him anymore. I wasn't sure if you were here yet or not." She said as one lone tear slipped down her cheek. Donna helped moved taylor to the couch and made sure she was settled before letting go of her. "What do you need, sweetie? What were you coming down here for?" Donna asked with concern. "I was just a little hungry and I finished my water. I'm supposed to drink a ton apparently." She said a little embarrassed. She felt a blush rising to her cheeks. Being 33 years old and needing so much help made her feel certain ways. "Well good thing I'm here! I heard from Travis you like spaghetti and meatballs!" Donna rubbed her upper back in attempt to comfort her. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this has to be hard on Taylor. Missing a week of rehearsal is probably detrimental in her schedule and she can tell Taylor is desperately trying to hold it together. "I do love that." Taylor said and smiled weakly. They sat there in silence for a few moments before taylor laid back against the couch feeling like walking to the kitchen would take years. Feeling defeated, she finally let out a sob she was holding in her throat. "I feel so silly." Taylor said as she hid her face in her hands. Donna immediately started rubbing her back again. "Don't feel silly Taylor, you're very sick and I'm sure it's hard. The mental drain is probably worse than the physical." Taylor leaned her head against Donna's shoulder and slowed her crying. Donna wrapped her in a huge hug. "Oh sweet girl, this is more than likely God's way of saying you need a rest. You've been so incredibly busy. Everyone needs rest including super successful wonder women." She joked and nudged her shoulder. She was rewarded with a laugh from Taylor. "I was feeling really run down. I like thinking of this much needed rest as a small gift from God. I'm sorry I got upset and thank you for listening." A large blush creeped up her neck and onto her face. As she was a little embarrassed and a little giddy that she was bonding so well with her *hopeful* future mother-in-law. Donna giggled "there's that blush that Travis tells me about all the time. Don't feel embarrassed, I'm so glad I could be here." Donna says. That only darkened Taylor's blush, if that was even possible. She groaned and covered her face. Donna laughed again. "You get comfortable on the couch and I'll bring you your food. You shouldn't walk any further." Taylor laid down and got comfortable. By the time Donna got back Taylor was fast asleep on the couch. Donna nudged her "Taylor, you don't have to eat but you have to take a few sips of the Gatorade and then you can go back to sleep. I put some blankets in the dryer to be warm. I'll go grab one try and drink as much as you can stomach." Donna says. Taylor takes the Gatorade and downs a good 6-7 larger sips before she feels like she can't anymore. Donna comes back with the warmed blanket thrilled with how much she drank. She draped the warm blanket over Taylor and moved her hair out of her face. Taylor instantly fell asleep.

Later that evening, Travis made his way down the stairs surprised he had slept all day. He found his mom and wrapped her in a huge hug. "Thanks for coming mom." "It was no problem dear. I took care of her for a little bit before she fell asleep on the couch. She's having a hard time mentally dealing with missing a week of rehearsal. She was crying." Donna explained. Travis sighed. He knew Taylor would have a hard time but he was hoping she would just focus on getting better. Donna continued "She seemed okay after we talked. I'd just keep an eye on her. I'm sure someone with her demanding schedule could start feeling depressed not going to work." Travis nodded  made a mental note to make sure Taylor had somewhat a fun week just staying at home.

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