The Dilema

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Taylor was set to go back to rehearsal tomorrow. She made a full recovery. She was only a week away now from her album release. It's the one hurdle she hasn't jumped yet- letting Travis listen. She was was so nervous that he would would be jealous that she had intimate relationships with other guys, scared he would be nervous to be with her thinking she'd write a song about him, think the songs are bad, or worse not support her through the upcoming months when her album drops. She has interviews, tour resumes, and more. She'll be really busy. He has shown no evidence that any of her fears would manifest; but her past relationship trauma really has her in a headlock right now. She was sitting on her bed just staring into space biting her nails as hard as she could. Travis walked in and saw her. He grew a concerned look on his face. "Tay?" He asks. No reply. "Hello Taylor?" Still nothing. "Look it's James Taylor!" She snapped her head up and made eye contact with Travis. She blushed and he laughed. "That's not very nice!" She exclaimed. "You were a million miles away baby girl, is everything okay?" He said sitting beside her and tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah I'm really great!" She said as best as she could but even she could tell Travis didn't buy it. "Are you still feeling poorly?" He asked concerned. "No, no!! I'm one hundred percent!" She said. Travis grabbed her hand and held it gently. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "Tay look at me." She reluctantly looked up at him but couldn't hold his strong gaze. "What is it Angel? I can help, apologize, or kill whoever or whatever you need." Taylor let out a little giggle. The room grew quiet and she let out a huge sigh. "I'm afraid to talk to about it." She admitted. "That's okay. Give me the readers digest version and maybe I can piece it together." He said lovingly. She bit her bottom lip. Travis noticed a while ago she does that when she's really nervous. He patted the hand he was holding to give her reassurance. "Well," she began "my new album comes out in one week." Travis nodded in understanding confused on what the problem was. "Have you noticed I haven't played any songs for you yet?" She asked still not able to look at him. Travis was finally understanding where this may be going. "Yeah, I did notice. But I assumed you'd let me hear it when you were ready to share. Or on release day. Whatever came first." He admitted with a shrug. "I'm scared for you to hear it." She said so quiet he could barely hear her. "Why is that baby?" He asked with his head cocked to the side. "A few reasons, really. It mentions the love I had for other guys." She explains to him. Travis couldn't help but think how absolutely adorable she was trying to protect his feelings. A tiny smile grazed his lips. "Okay? You had relationships before me. You aren't necessarily at the age to of never had a boyfriend. You're an old lady!" He joked trying to lighten her mood a little. She smiled a big grin as she looked down at her lap. She picked her head up and stuck her tongue out at him. They both giggled. Taylor continued "I just love you so much that I don't want you to feel slighted or less because I loved someone before you. I've never felt love like you and me" she said. "I love you too Taylor. I promise I'm not worried about you singing about love for another person. I knew that's how it would work when I got into this relationship. He assured her. "What else are you scared of?" He asked. "That you won't like them." She said with her head down. "We'll that's definitely not going to happen. I loved your music before I was obligated to." He teased and quickly tickled her neck. She squealed and smacked him. Travis continued "but really, Tay. I don't see that for real. I'm ready for this with you! I can't wait until it's released and your fans can enjoy your hard work. You've really earned it. I know you'll be busy for some time after but I can't wait to be there with you every step of the way. I also can't wait to watch you perform again." He said with a sparkle in his eye. Taylor finally could meet his gaze. She smiled so big. She got up on her knees on the bed and threw her arms around his neck. They hugged for a long while before Travis gripped her hair in his hands and brought her in for a long, passionate kiss. His hands traveled out of her hair and down her back as the kiss quickly turned into tongues in mouths and gasping for air. Taylor tilted her head back as Travis planted kisses down her neck and onto her shoulders. Taylor let a loud moan escape her lips. "Here" Travis said "let me tell you all the ways I think you and your music are amazing and how I can't wait to hear it." Travis lowered her onto the pillow while continuing to kiss her in between kisses he would list the things he loved about her music. Some phrases were "the passion I hear in your voice." And "the way your eyes light up when you sing." Taylor was blushing furiously. Between the sweet sayings, his strong hands, and the need for him increasing she was ready for him to shut up and have her. She kissed him hard and fast as if to say "shut up." Travis laughed under her kiss. They spent the rest of the day intwined in each other and the sheets. Taylor realized she had absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Later that day Taylor sat on her bed and waited for Travis to finishing showering so she could play some of her new music for him. She heard the shower cut off and her heart jumped. He came out of the adjoined bathroom wrapped in a towel. Taylor was biting her lip again out of nervous habit. When he was ready he sat down beside her. Taylor stood up "I think I'm going to let you listen to it alone." Then she sat back down "or maybe I should stay to help you understand each songs meaning." Then she stood up again. "No, maybe I should-" she was cut off by Travis pulling her back onto the bed. "You should stay." He said and kissed her lips. She bit her lower lip for the one hundredth time today. "Okay." She agreed. She hit play on her iPhone as "fortnight" started. They listened to the whole album, all 31 songs, start to finish without saying a single word.

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