The Doc Is In

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*filler chapter leading to the next part*

Later that afternoon Taylor had to head back to the stadium for rehearsal. She realized that "making up" with travis wasn't a good idea when she had rehearsal scheduled for 4 hours later that same day. Nonetheless, she was devoted and would make her way to the stadium despite how run down she really felt. Deep in the back of her head she hoped she wasn't getting a cold because she was feeling more run down than usual. She shook the thought from her head and powered through. Her new album was coming out in two weeks and her tour would resume two weeks after that. She hadn't let Travis listen to her new album yet. Deep down she was scared. She was scared because this was her most heart-wrenching album yet and there was actually some more personal songs in this album. Not to mention that she was worried for Travis to listen to her sing about a love she had so strong that it broke her when it ended. But he doesn't realize that Taylor has NEVER felt a love like this before, either. She had to work up the courage to allow him to listen to it. Travis knew that Taylor was a little apprehensive so he doesn't mention it. He knows she will come around when she's ready. Other than the joke he pulled the other night about "the smallest man to ever live" he knows nothing about the album.

Taylor arrived at the stadium and texted Travis to let him know that rehearsal was four hours and she'd be home after. She exited the car and met Tree upon entering the stadium. "So are you and Travis okay now?" Tree asks with a worried look. "Don't worry, Tree. We made up all day long." Taylor replies with a wink. "No wonder you look a little tired." She replies with a grin. She nudges Taylor and says "I've really never seen you so happy." Taylor's face beams as a slow blush starts to creep on her face. "I've really never felt this happy."

Rehearsals begin and Taylor is killing it. Hitting her marks and nailing her new surprise TTPD era of the show. About 3 hours into rehearsals she starts to feel dizzy. She stops midway through her song "22" and drops down to one knee. Tree comes running carrying water. "Taylor!! What's wrong?" Taylor doesn't respond. She just stays squatting on stage trying to catch her breath. Tree puts her hand on Taylor's back rubbing it gently. She feels heat radiating off of her and decides to feel her head. "Taylor you're burning up. You definitely have a bad fever. Come on, let's get you home to Travis." Tree helps Taylor up and assists her to the car. They get back home and Travis is waiting for them at the door knowing something was up when they were returning from rehearsal so soon. Tree comes running inside and Travis is feeling a sense of panic. "What is it?? Where is Taylor?" He can feel a tremble over his hands. "She collapsed at rehearsal. She's fine but is very sick and has a high fever. She fell asleep in the car I need you to help me get her." Tree explains worriedly. "Collapsed?? She was fine all of last night and into today. We had our little fight this morning but it was over quick and she didn't seem sick." Travis explained as they walked out to go get Taylor. Travis opened the door and was shocked to see her state. When she left the house she was lively. Now, she was very pale, shaking, and couldn't keep her eyes open. Travis scooped her up bridal style and was immediately concerned by how warm she was. "Tree do you mind coming inside and helping me assess this?" "Of course, I'm right behind you." Travis set taylor on the couch and ran to get a thermometer. When he took Taylor's temperature and saw the result the color drained from his face. "104.2. We need to call her doctor." Travis says as tears burn inside his eyes. He bends down to Taylor as tree goes to call her doctor; "Taylor, Taylor sweetheart can you talk
to me?" Taylor let's her eyes flutter open but they immediately close again. She instantly fell asleep. Tree returned with the news that the doctor should be here any minute. Travis paced around the room. Hand going through his hair. Stress. He walks over to Taylor and bent back down. Her lips were the same color as her skin. He rubbed his hand over her hair and tucked a stray strand behind her ear. Her body was breathing but the rest of her laid there almost lifeless. There was a knock at the door and the security team came in with Taylor's on-call doctor. Being famous did have some perks, like your own on all doctor when you needed it. Troy shook Dr. Michael's hand and led him over to Taylor. "Doc, I'm so worried. She looks so bad." Travis said rubbing the back of his neck. "Give me a few moments and I'll be able to help her. But I need to asses her first. He set up a few machines on the coffee table and removed some more items from his large doctors bag. Travis watched as dr. Michael took her temperature too. It was up to 104.6. Travis felt like he could throw up. He decided to send a text to Andrea and Scott letting them know what was going on. He sent one to his mom too, he needed someone to unload his worries on if needed. "Well," the doctor began "she doesn't look good, but I'm not too concerned it's something awful. I have a theory but I'm going to go ahead and test for strep, flu, and corona virus." He does the swabs and checks her other vitals. After a few minutes he knew what was wrong. "Travis, has Taylor consumed any water that you can remember the last few days? Other than at meal time?" Travis sat down on a chair to think. "Doc, I really don't think she has had hardly anything. Even at mealtime. She has coffee in the mornings and sometimes wine at dinner." Travis explains. "Well, I think she is extremely dehydrated. We need to get some fluids into her immediately. I have one bag I can add to an IV but if she's not more lively after that, she'll need the hospital." Travis sinks further into the chair as tears well up inside his eyes. "How did this happen? How could I of let this happen?" He says with a shaky breath. Tree chimes in "Travis you did nothing wrong. She had a long, and from what she told me, strenuous day. Then she had a long four hour rehearsal. Her body couldn't keep up is all." The doctor nodded his head yes in agreement. "Travis we need to get her to bed so I can administer an iv and fluids and fever reducing medicine." Travis easily scooped her up and she moaned. Travis kissed her forehead, tucked her into bed, and told her she was going to be okay. The doctor began administering the IV and explaining "dehydration is very fast and will you make you feel like the worse sick you have been. It could also shut down organs if it goes too long. So, Travis, if she's not responding to these fluids or if you feel she's not acting quite right we will head to the hospital." The IV was in and the fluids were going. They all waited around for what felt like days but was maybe an hour. Taylor began to kick the blankets off of her. Travis ran to her side. "Doc she's sweating up a storm!" Travis yells. The doctor comes in thermometer ready. "99.8. That is amazing news!" Dr. Michael chimed. She is on the right track. "Oh, thank God" tree let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "That was very scary." She continued. "Call me immediately if something comes up, I'll be back by 8 a.m tomorrow at the latest to check on her." Dr. Michael explains. Travis saw everyone out and came back and laid with Taylor. He finally let a few tears slip down his face. He stayed awake all night making sure she was okay.

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