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Me and Lando had spent the last few days spending time with our families and also packing up my apartment.

Although Today i was joining quadrant in a Spill your Guts video.

I was excited to meet all of Landos friends.

Landos hand sat on thigh while holding the steering wheel. He had taylor swift blasting through the speakers. Yet he says he's not a "tay tay fan"

We finally pulled up to the studio walking inside.

"Lando hey!" max fewtrell walked over.

I had met him breefly through him facetiming lando.

"Madi lovely to finally meet you!" he smiled.

"You too!"

"Oh and obviously you know P." max said as pietra joined his side.

"Yes! great to see you pietra. I've missed out shoot days!"

"Oh i know!!" Pietra said pulling me into a hug.

The rest of the group slowly joined us greeting me.

"Glad to meet the girl Lando wouldn't shut up talking about." Ria laughed.

Lando sent her a look and she smiled cheekily.

"Landoo this your fit girlfriend?" Filly said winking.

"Yeah she is. MY girlfriend." lando replied making sure to make the "my" clear.

Filly put his hands up laughing. "I'm only joking."

His friends were lovely and I loved catching up with Pietra.

Me and pietra took a seat behind the camera as everyone gathered round the table. There was lots of disgusting looking foods spread around.

"Okay first question is for Max." Aarav said turning to face max. "What happened at the Monaco Grand Prix last year?"

Max's face went read and he looked at Lando who shook his head aggressively. Monaco last year was one of the funniest nights ever.

Max and Lando got ridiculously drunk and it somehow ended up in max smashing someone's window accidentally. He ended up getting arrested and still no one knows the story except a few of us.

Max leant forwards grabbing what looked to be balls. God knows where from.

He picked one up popping it into his mouth. He let out a loud gag before running off leaving everyone in a fit of laughter.

I had to cover my mouth. How disgusting.

"Well while max is in there lando your go. Is it true you've liked madison since she first started coming to races"

Lando smiled. "No point denying it so yeah."

A smile grew on my face and lando winked towards me.

After a few more rounds and max coming back after over an hour the video was finally finished.

"Thank you all for watching and make sure to subscribe!" Maria said as they all waved at the camera.

"I still can taste those balls in my mouth" Max said gagging slightly.

"They weren't that bad!" Aarav replied.

"YOU DIDN'T EAT ANYTHING?" max screamed.

"Max stop shouting!" Pietra said smacking his head slightly.

The group sat talking for a while till it got late and most of us started to head home including me and lando.

"It was nice to meet you all!" i said hugging them.

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