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Madisons pov:

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Madisons pov:

I shut my phone off and smiled. I was close friends with the drivers. Marie and I are childhood bestfriends. Marie is also lewis' younger sister so we both grew up around the track/ drivers.

I packed away the last few bits in the hotel room i had been staying in. I was currently in LA for the first part of my tour.

I zipped up my suitcase and grabbed my carry on and headed to the car waiting to take me to the airport.

As soon as my driver opened my door i was hit with the blinding flashes off the paparazzi. My security guard pushed a path through the crowd helping me through.

After a hectic way into the airport i had finally reached my jet and was able to settle down. I had a long flight ahead of me to Bahrain. I quickly checked my messages before take off remembering to tell marie i was about to take off. I switched off my phone and opened my laptop and started a film. I quickly fell asleep.

I had a few hours of sleep before i woke up and i managed to get some work done and relaxed.

A long 16 hour flight later and i finally made it to Bahrain.

Getting through Bahrain airport was a lot easier as many people didn't know i would be here for the race except the drivers.

It was late at night when i got to my hotel room so i took a shower to refresh myself and got into bed.

@madisonbeer has posted!

The next morning:My alarm went off at 7:30am

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The next morning:
My alarm went off at 7:30am. Today was qualifying. I was excited to see everyone after a long time. I got out of bed and got ready. I wore my favourite blue jeans, black corset top and my sunglasses. I curled my hair and put on light makeup as i knew it was way too warm for a full face. I grabbed my vip pass and my bag and headed out the door to the track.

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