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My 6am alarm sounded. I yawned loudly it was way too early. I took a peak out of my balcony window to see a beautiful sunrise.  I ordered a coffee from room service and sat on my balcony going through my socials.

Shutting my phone off I headed to the bathroom for a shower.

Today was the first day of my shoot with dior. I wore blue jeans and a black cropped t shirt. I put on my sunglasses and trainers grabbing my stuff needed for the day and headed to the lobby to meet my driver.

"Miss Beer welcome. My names Sarah!" A middle aged women greeted me at the front of the dior office.

"Hi nice to meet you." i smiled as she lead me through to the main part where the shoot would take place.

It was filled with people running left to right. She lead me to a makeup room in the back.

"Madison this is Dawn she will be doing your hair and makeup today!"

"Lovely to meet you!" i smiled at the women before me.

"Your even more beautiful in person i'm excited to do your makeup!" she said pulling me to sit down in the chair.

"So the plan for makeup is just natural if that okay and hair is going to change up between outfits!"

"Sounds good!" i smiled.

We both got to know eachother and she was very very nice.Once she had finished i changed into the first outfit.

The shoot took a few hours as they needed to be perfect.

"Okay that's a wrap for today guys." the photographer said.

"Madison you were amazing the photos are fabulous. I'll let you know when they will be posted!" Sarah said giving me her contact details.

I got changed into my outfit from before thanking everyone and heading back to the hotel.

My phone rang as i was getting changed into my pajamas. Lando.

I smiled at my phone

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I smiled at my phone. I was excited for a movie night with lando.

I put some shorts on and a mercedes hoodie i usually wore to bed.

The door rang and i opened it to see lando with a box of pizza and ice cream.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hey come in!" i say moving out of his way.

"I got pepperoni pizza and ben and jerrys ice cream that okay?"

"My favourites!"

"Ha took a lucky guess then"

"So what film do you wanna watch?" i said getting under the covers and patting the space next to me.

"I'll watch whatever i love most genres"

"Omg i haven't watching tangled in years!"

"My sister loves it, used to make me watch all the time"

I giggled causing him to smile down at me. Holding eye contact.

I looked away as i felt blush creep on my cheeks.

I opened up the pizza box taking a slice and bringing it to put between me and lando.

"I'm just going the bathroom one sec"

Lando nodded.

As i was about to shut the bathroom door i heard a scoff.

"Problem with something?"

"Erm yeah you're wearing a mercedes hoodie."

I giggle. "Forgot i put this on"

"Not very nice of you to wear that infront of a mclaren driver"

"oops" i laughed and shut the door.

After a while we had finished the pizza and were chatting abt the upcoming race.

"How are you gonna surprise marie?" lando asked.

"Honestly idk i have figured it out yet"

"You could always sneak into the paddock with me and surprise her that way"

"Thats actually a good idea." i laugh.

"I didn't fancy being spotted by paparazzi so you can join me i'll speak to charlotte."

"Thank you lando"

He smiled and we locked eyes for a moment before lando coughed and looked away.

"I better head off it's late and qualifying is tomorrow" he says standing up from the bed.

I nod and follow after him to the door. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"I had fun tonight thank you."

"No problem mads!" he smiles and hugs me.

"Me and my driver will meet you at the front at 9 that okay?"

"Sounds good!"

He nods and heads out the door and i watch at he walks away. I couldn't stop myself but smile. I guess i could say i was starting to enjoy being around him.

M speaks!🤍

short one today sorry guys!

i've only just started feeling better and have finished my exams so i'll try an start writing more but i hope you enjoy this chapter x

word count- 764

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