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Qualifying day:

Today was qualifying and the day i finally got to see marie.

Lando and his driver were picking me up at 9 so i had enough time to get ready.

I chose a white dress and decided to have my hair in a slick back pony since it's been warm in miami.

I finished off my makeup before making sure i had everything ready and headed down to the lobby.

"Hey you ready to go?" I say to lando who's sat on a chair.

"Oh hey yeah!" He smiles standing up. "You look nice."

"Thank you" i blush.

He leads me to the car and we head to the paddock.

"We are gonna go around the back so we can get to mclaren without being seen."

I nod and we get to the entrance and head inside the mclaren paddock.

"It's weird being in an orange paddock" I laugh.

"Papaya actually." He says seriously and then breaking a smile.

Zack brown then walks up to us. I had met him before through the drivers diners.

"Madison surprised to see you here!" he smiles.

"Surprising marie today so had to sneak in and lando offered to help."

"Ahh that's nice of you lando." Zack says patting his back and walking off.

"I have a quick meeting with the team you can sit with the mechanics if you want?"

"Yeah okay!"

Lando leads me towards the mechanics and introduces me. They let me wear their headphones and mess about with some controls.

"Your very new to this you never done this with mercedes?" Will landos mechanic asks.

"They don't really trust me after i broke something last year!"

They all laugh and carry on showing me how to control things.

After an hour or so lando finally got out of his meeting.

"Sorry that took so long!" he says coming up behind me.

"It's fine don't worry about it!"

"Ready to go see marie and lewis?"

I nod and we head towards the Mercedes garage.

As soon as i got to the doors a high pitched scream led by me getting flung back by marie hugging me. Laughter filled the air as we both hugged eachother tightly.

"What are you doing here omg!" she says hugging me again.

I laugh. "I had a shoot here so had to surprise you."

"Ugh i missed you." she says before looking behind me. "Oh hey lando what are you doing here?"

"He helped me sneak in"

"Tried to turn her into a mclaren girl." he smiles.

"I hope not!" Lewis says joining us before hugging me. "This is a good surprise!"

I smile. "Don't think orange suits me that well more of a black and blue girl!"

We all laugh before lewis and lando head off to start qualifying.

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