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I had spent the last few days getting my apartment finished.

Most of the group was in Monaco this weekend so i decided to throw a house warming party.

"Love?" lando shouted as he walked into my apartment.

"In here!" i replied, i was getting ready for the party which started soon.

"You look beautiful" lando said walking in kissing my cheek. "I got you these, thought they would suit your new apartment!"

He handed me some beautiful pink and yellow tulips.

"Thank you. They are so pretty!" i smiled grabbing a vase from my kitchen cupboard and placing them in.

Lando took a seat on my bed watching me finish my makeup. He watched me apply my lipgloss staring deeply.

"Stop staring at me! You're putting me off." i laughed applying some lipgloss.

"Sorry you look really good.."

"Lan.." i blushed standing up between his legs kissing his head.

He held my thighs kissing me lightly. It slowly got more heated until i pulled away.

"The group will be here in like 10 minutes!"

"I can be fast" he winked pulling me back towards him.

"Behave!" i pushed him gently onto the bed before walking out into my kitchen placing my vase of flowers on the side.

I layed a few snacks foods on my breakfast bar. Crisps, dips etc.

As soon as landos eyes fell on the food he began picking at it.

"Oi hands off!" i smacked his hand away.

"It looks so gooddd" he said trying to grab some.

"Wait till everyone's here."

He sighed slumping onto the sofa.

A knock on the door made him spring off the sofa running to open it. I joined him as he opened the door.

Marie, Lewis, Max f, Pietra, Lily z and Oscar all stood at the door with a smile.

"Hey guys come in!!" i smiled as me and lando moved out the way.

"Mads your place is gorgeous!" lily z said as she looked around the room.

"The decor is so nice." pietra smiled.

"Thank you girls." i smiled as i walked them inti the kitchen.

Lando had dragged max, oscar and lewis to show off the furniture 'he built'.

"Mads im literally in love you got so lucky with this apartment!!" marie smiled.

I smiled as we sat on the couch catching up.

Soon enough the group started to slowly arrive.

"Drinks?" i asked as the group chatted away in my living room.

"Is that even a question?" daniel laughed.

I grabbed a few drinks for the group before taking a seat on landos lap.

"This is so weird to see." carlos laughed.

"What is?" marie said looking confused.

"Lando and madi. I'm used to the high sexual tension between them."

"It's true it drove me insane when i was with them." oscar said joining in.

I smiled as lando rolled his eyes.

It's always you || Lando norris Where stories live. Discover now