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Tonight was my last show of my tour. I enjoyed my tour so much. I had been in Monaco for a few days preparing.

I knew Marie would be watching but the drivers couldn't make it due to their schedule.

I was slightly upset. But that's what you get for being friends with busy F1 drivers.

A knock on my door ripped me out of my thoughts and marie walked in with a cheeky smile.

"I have a surprise!"

"Oh no what is it?" i said scared.

She walked over behind me covering my eyes. "I'll lead you too it"

I couldn't tell where she was leading me too until she removed her hands off my eyes.

Before me stood the drivers and their partners. The room was filled with decorations and banners.

"What the hell guys!!" i ran up and hugged them all.

"Couldn't miss your last show madi" daniel said with a smile.

"We wanted to surprise you so we lied" charles laughed.

"You guys are the sweetest thank you!"

"You're welcome madi." kika smiled.

"Okay well i wish i could stay with you all but i have a show to do!"

"We'll be cheering from the crowd." heidi said bringing me into a hug.

I headed towards the stage grabbing my earpiece and mic checking it was all working. I turned to the crew beside me.

"I just want to say thank you to you all . I couldn't have done any of this without you."

"Oh madison don't make me cry!" Janette said, my manager.

We all did a group hug before i headed onto stage the crowd going wild.

"Hey Monaco i'm so excited to be doing my last show here!"

The show went so well. The fans seemed to of enjoyed it and seeing my friends in the audience made it ten times better.

 The fans seemed to of enjoyed it and seeing my friends in the audience made it ten times better

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After the show i headed backstage to get changed. We had decided to go out for a nice meal to celebrate.

We found a small Italian restaurant nearby. We all took our seats inside ordering drinks and chatting away.

Lewis stood up from his seat clinking his glass making me laugh.

"Okay i'm not very good with speeches and that but i wanted to say madi how proud we are of you and your doing amazing."

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