Rimuru x cindrella part 2

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The next day, the palace was a whirlwind of activity. Prince Ferdinand, determined to find the girl who had captured his heart, set out on a mission to locate Rimuru. Unlike the typical fairy tale princes, Ferdinand wasn’t fooled by a simple disguise. He had seen Rimuru's face and knew exactly who she was.

At the humble home of Lady Gertrude, chaos erupted as the prince’s arrival was announced. Esmeralda and Matilda were beside themselves, scrambling to make themselves presentable in hopes of impressing the prince. Lady Gertrude, too, was busy barking orders and ensuring everything was spotless.

In the midst of the commotion, Rimuru was quietly going about her chores, trying to stay out of sight. But her heart skipped a beat when she heard the prince’s voice outside.

Prince Ferdinand strode confidently into the house, ignoring the simpering greetings of Lady Gertrude and her daughters. He went straight to Rimuru, who was trying to blend into the background.

"There you are," he said with a warm smile. "I knew I would find you here."

Rimuru blushed furiously, unsure of what to say. "Y-Your Highness," she stammered, dropping into an awkward curtsy.

Lady Gertrude looked on in horror, her mouth agape. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice shaking with fury. "Why would the prince want to speak with this... this servant?"

Prince Ferdinand turned to her, his expression stern. "Because this servant, as you call her, is the one who danced with me at the ball last night. And I have come to ask for her hand in marriage."

Before anyone could react, Agatha appeared in a puff of smoke, her face a picture of disbelief. "Hold on a moment!" she exclaimed, waving her wand around. "This isn't how the script is supposed to go! You're supposed to find her using the slipper, remember?"

Prince Ferdinand chuckled, shaking his head. "With all due respect, dear fairy godmother, I don't need a slipper to recognize the girl I danced with. I know her face, and her heart."

Rimuru couldn’t help but laugh at Agatha’s flabbergasted expression. "Looks like you’ll have to rewrite the ending, Agatha," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Agatha sighed, muttering to herself about the trouble with modern fairy tales. "Well, I suppose if the prince is sure, there's nothing I can do to stop it," she conceded, her tone begrudgingly affectionate.

Lady Gertrude and her daughters were fuming, but they were powerless to intervene as Prince Ferdinand took Rimuru’s hand and led her out of the house. The villagers watched in awe as the prince and his chosen bride made their way back to the palace, their hearts full of hope and excitement.

As they walked, Rimuru looked up at the prince, a smile playing on her lips. "I suppose this means we’re going to live happily ever after?" she asked, her tone light and teasing.

Prince Ferdinand squeezed her hand, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Happily ever after, and perhaps a few adventures along the way," he replied with a grin.

And so, Rimuru Nava’s story, full of laughter, love, and a dash of the unexpected, began its next chapter. No longer the underappreciated servant, she was now a princess, ready to face whatever came her way with a smile and a laugh. That how my dear ugh

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