Rimuru x Witch in earth

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Rimuru Tempest, the all-powerful Demon Lord of Tempest, found himself increasingly bored with ruling. His kingdom was prosperous, and his servants efficiently handled every task. With nothing left to challenge or entertain him, Rimuru decided it was time for a change. He created a perfect clone named Viyk, imbued with a new soul and tasked with overseeing Tempest. Satisfied that everything was in order, Rimuru prepared for his vacation.

"I'm leaving for a while," Rimuru informed his most trusted servants. "Viyk will handle things in my absence. Don't worry; I'll keep an eye on everything through him."

As he stepped into a portal, Rimuru couldn't help but smile. He was headed to Earth, specifically to the time when he was still Satoru Mikami in Tokyo. But first, he answered a summoning call, landing him in an unexpected place.


Deep within the Amazon rainforest, on a secret island with hidden passages to fairyland and other fantastical realms, lived an aspiring witch named Aria. At just 17, she was a pariah in the witch community, known more for her failures than her successes. Her parents had been killed by humans when she was 12, fueling her desire for vengeance and pushing her into the dark arts. Yeah tragic soul

Aria was attempting to summon a lesser demon to aid in her schemes. Little did she know that her summoning would pull in someone far more powerful.

In her dimly lit hut, surrounded by ancient tomes and strange artifacts, Aria chanted an incantation. The air crackled with energy, and a summoning circle formed. From it  Rimuru appeared, disguised as a weak demon with lesser mana than summoner.

Aria looked at Rimuru, a flicker of disappointment crossing her face. "A weakling? Just my luck."

Rimuru smirked internally but kept his expression humble. "I may appear weak, but I can still be useful."

Aria sighed. "Fine, let's see what you can do. If you’re as useless as you look, I’ll just banish you back."

Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle. "You'd be surprised at what I can do."


The Amazon witch community was steeped in lore. It was said that these witches, descendants of ancient guardians of nature or old gods , possessed knowledge of powerful, hidden magic. Each witch guarded a secret passage to mystical realms, like fairyland. They could commune with spirits, manipulate elements, and weave enchantments that no mortal could break. It's not matter how much you try you can't free from the luck they changed to unfortunate unluck.

There is countless passage of all fairyland, chaotic realms ect even in some of them are even can unlock only by giving correct configuration for the atoms , photons pattern.

Aria's family had been protectors of one such passage until tragedy struck. Humans, seeking to exploit the forest's resources, killed her parents. Left alone, Aria's bitterness grew, leading her down a darker path.

The witches of the Amazon were known for their deep connection to the earth and its mysteries. They drew upon the folklore of various cultures, blending them into their own unique traditions. From Brazilian myths of the Curupira, the forest guardian, to the Incan legends of Pachamama, the earth goddess, their magic was a tapestry of ancient stories and powerful rituals.. as the power of witch is based on how much the people in earth believed about the magic or witchcraft so the most witches created somany story of them in ancient legends as the legends passed down through generation to generation so the future witch will be powerful than the previous one.

Aria, though still learning, had the potential to tap into these vast reserves of knowledge. Her hut was filled with symbols and relics from countless traditions, each representing a piece of the world's magical heritage.

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