Rimuru x Honkai impact part 1

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Rimuru's POV

Life in Tempest has been peaceful for a decade now, almost too peaceful. After the chaos of the Great Tenma War and Feldway's defeat, things have settled into a steady rhythm. But for someone like me, who thrives on excitement, that steady rhythm can get a little dull.

Luckily, I’ve found a new hobby to keep myself entertained gaming. It’s amazing what you can do when you’re a powerful being like me. Connecting Tempest to Earth’s internet? Easy peasy. I’ve even set up a PC that doesn’t need to physically exist in Earth’s world but still taps into their network. Most of my time, I play as my old self, Satoru Mikami, tearing it up in games like GTA 5 Online.

Today, though, I’m trying something different. I’ve been getting into Honkai Impact, a game filled with an elaborate story, complex characters, and tons of action.

Just as I’m immersed in a particularly intense part of the game, Milim bursts into my room, her usual ball of energy. “Rimuru! What’s that noisy box thing you’re playing with? And why aren’t we pranking adventurers in the Labyrinth? You promised!”

I hit pause, turning to face her. “Oh, this? It’s called a computer. I’m playing a game.” I show her the screen, where my character is in the middle of a battle.

Milim stares at the screen, unimpressed. “It doesn’t look fun at all! Why don’t we go mess with some adventurers instead? That’s way more exciting.”

I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. “I know, I know. But this game is really interesting, Milim. You might like it if you give it a try.”

Milim crosses her arms, clearly not convinced. “I don’t know… games seem kind of boring. Let’s do something fun!”

Before I can reply, Ciel chimes in with a suggestion that catches my attention.

Ciel's POV

Sometimes, Rimuru sama can get a little too absorbed in these Earth games. While it’s great that he’s enjoying himself, I know he craves something more tangible, more real. So why not give him that experience?

“Rimuru sama,” I say casually through our mental link, “why don’t you explore a world based on the Hoyoverse games in your Imaginary Space? I can create it for you, and it’ll be just like playing, but even better.”

I can sense Rimuru’s curiosity. “You mean actually go into the world of honkai and Genshin? Like, live in it?”

“Exactly,” I respond. “It’ll be fully immersive, and you can experience everything firsthand. Plus, Milim can join you.”

Rimuru is hooked, and I can’t help but smile to myself as I start the creation process. Using Turn Null or nihilty collapse, I weave together the layers of this new world. It’s not difficult in fact, it’s quite simple. I start by establishing the fundamental elements, such as the Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta, which are central to the Hoyoverse cosmology. From there, I branch out, creating parallel universes, each with its own set of rules and realities.

I introduce Honkai energy, a force that shapes and drives this world, and craft the Cocoon of Finality, an enigmatic entity tied to the universe’s fate. But I don’t stop there this is for Rimuru and Milim, after all, so I add a few twists for fun. A Japanese-inspired realm with a nine-tailed fox spirit, hidden dimensions filled with Easter eggs from other games and stories Rimuru likes it’s all in good fun.

Of course, I make sure to include a voice of the world-like function, just to keep things interesting. This way, the world will interact with Rimuru and Milim, offering guidance or maybe even a little trolling here and there.

Rimuru's POV

Ciel works fas one moment she’s suggesting something, and the next, she’s telling me it’s done. When I tell Milim about the world Ciel created, she’s all in.

“So, it’s like we’re inside a game?” Milim asks, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Yeah, something like that,” I reply, a bit unsure myself. Ciel explained it, but I still don’t fully get what she’s done.

We step into the Imaginary Space, and instantly, we’re somewhere completely different. It looks like the Honkai Impact universe, but it’s more… real. The colors are vivid, the air hums with energy, and everything feels alive. It’s like stepping into a dream.

Milim is practically bouncing. “This is amazing! What should we do first? Can we fight someone?”

“Let’s explore first,” I suggest, trying to wrap my head around everything. It’s strange Ciel made this world, but it feels like it’s always been here. “We don’t need to rush into battles right away.”

We wander through the world, and I have to admit, I’m impressed. It’s not just a game it’s a living, breathing place. We pass by NPCs people who look and act just like the characters from the games but they don’t notice us at all.

Then, out of nowhere, we come across a traditional Japanese shrine. In front of it is a huge nine-tailed fox, lounging lazily.

I blink in surprise. “Wait, what? Ciel, did you… add Japanese mythology to this?”

Ciel’s response is as casual as ever. “I thought it would make things more interesting. You like surprises, don’t you?”

I shake my head, chuckling. “You’re something else, Ciel.”

Milim, of course, doesn’t care about the why or how. She’s already running up to the fox, trying to pet its tails. The fox seems amused, flicking its tails but not moving away.

We keep exploring, and I start to notice more oddities little details that don’t quite fit with what I know of the Hoyoverse. There are characters from other games, landscapes that feel out of place, and even some creatures I recognize from old myths and legends. It’s as if Ciel took everything she thought might be fun and threw it together.

At one point, we enter a dense, ancient forest that reminds me of Genshin Impact. The trees are massive, their branches forming a thick canopy overhead. But then, a massive creature with nine tails bursts through the foliage, roaring with power.

Milim looks at me, eyes wide. “Rimuru! What is that?”

“Uh, good question,” I say, equally baffled. “Let’s figure it out.”

We spend hours exploring, occasionally fighting, but mostly just taking it all in. The world is vast, and there’s always something new to see.

Eventually, we end up back at the shrine, where the nine-tailed fox is still lounging. Milim is tired, her earlier energy finally worn out.

“Rimuru, can we come back here tomorrow?” she asks, yawning.

“Sure thing,” I reply, smiling. “We can come back whenever you want.”

As we leave the Imaginary Space, I can’t help but feel a sense of something unreasonable at what Ciel has created. I don’t understand all of it, but that’s part of the fun. It’s like a whole new adventure waiting to be explored no stakes, no stress, just pure fun.

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