Starting of story with turn null definition

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Rimuru pov

It's been 350000 years I defeated both feldway and ivaraj. Currently what I doing is not like you think as I am not definitely not doing this paperwork you guys think sigh.. yeah yeah very good question then what I am doing isn't it ...?

The answer is very simple I am simply trying to understand the difference between the imaginary collapse energy and imaginary collapse itself are you confuse? It's kinda really simple like I said before the imaginary collapse have no nature not even the energy like probably you heard .

As if I think Ciel statement different times mentioned as she mentioned imaginary collapse or turn null is inexhaustible mean it's can't end conventional or unconventional way but she also said the energy of imagimary collapse produced means one thing is energy of imaginary collapse emerge from the imaginary collapse it's also ponder me also one question where does turn null come from well I mean I have that but I don't mean that but how I get it I mean it's energy is produced from turn null but what exactly is nature of turn null it's self not the energy its produced from it but the definition of its

As in lost in thought I understand one thing The turn null didn't have cause mean it's have no beginning means nothing existed before it well that make no sense isn't? I mean if The God is the one who created it's it must have beginning isn't ? Which one come first god or turn null ? Which is the uncaused cause of everything ?

Again I think so much oh geez Ciel isn't explaining to me anything as she bored to do that everyday as for eternity I do the same isn't it ? As I used the thought acceleration at 12 trillion mean one second is so vast for me when I communicated with her as she also started devoloping some kind avoidance to me as her answer is I becoming not caring of anything other than trying to know about turn null..

Hm it's seems she is kinda come up with a explanation after all

I think I will look at it even though from her understanding turn null is just nothingness means it's not existing thing it's simply creat any concept regardless of nature it's not energy not matter not spiritual not metaphysical not anything it's simply nothingness..

As for simpler terms she started like this bunch boring stuff of cosmology lets look at her explanation...

Third person pov

As in Ciel explained firstly she didn't start with what is turn null but she started with saying there is grand design, every world contains its own unique framework of space-time, dimensions, and causalities, all nested within an overarching structure of infinite complexity and beauty.

The cosmos is composed of an countless infinite number of worlds. Each world is a self-contained with its own physical laws, dimensions, and temporal frameworks.

There is countless Infinite number of Space-Times Within each world . These space-times are individual realities that operate within the broader context of their world. Each space-time transcends the others in an countless infinite time to previous space time in single world itself , creating a hierarchy where each level is beyond the comprehension of the one before it.

Not only do space-times transcend each other, but the worlds themselves also transcend each other as each world transcend of previous one. A world in this cosmology is a boundless entity that surpasses the limitations of the previous world in the hierarchy. Each world, with its countless infinite number of space-times, is part of an even greater reality.

Infinite Dimensions Each space-time within so each world contains countless infinite dimensions. These dimensions represent different aspects and layers of reality within that specific space-time, further adding to the complexity and depth of the cosmos. Dimensions can range from the physical and tangible to the abstract and metaphysical.

Every world has its own origins and causal structures. These origins and causalities are as diverse and infinite as the worlds themselves, each following unique principles that define the nature of existence within that world.

Despite this diversity, all origins and causalities are interconnected in the vast tapestry of this cosmology.

Then there is a concept of Nothingness it's an Infinite, Formless, and Eternal Space which contain all worlds and realities exist with in it without boundaries or limitations it's an dimensionless spaceless timeless void without any nature to describe it's

It has no value, no nature, no quality, and no energy, no form , yet it is the foundation upon which all existence is built as it's can't be described by such thing .It's Beyond Human Explanation. Nothingness transcends all scientific, theoretical, and philosophical explanations. It is beyond the grasp of human comprehension and language, representing the ultimate paradox of existence something that is, was, and will be, yet holds no inherent value or form to it in a way anyone give.

It's have Zeroth Value Despite being the ground of all existence, nothingness is characterized by its zeroth value. It is the void that contains everything, the emptiness that holds the potential for all that is, was, and will be. It is the ultimate source from which all realities emerge and to which they all return.

The Multiverse and Beyond within each world lies a collection of countless infinite multiverses. Each multiverse is a vast collection of alternate realities, each following its own set of rules.

These multiverses themselves are part of the greater infinite cosmos, all contained within the boundless realm of nothingness. Summary in this infinite cosmology Worlds contain countless infinite space-times, each transcending the other. Worlds themselves transcend each other in an endless hierarchy.- Each space-time contains infinite dimensions hierarchy in it means a single space time already contain the infinity dimension hierarchy but the there is another space time when which also have infinity dimension transcend the previous one.

Each world has its unique origins and causal structures.- Everything exists within the infinite, formless, and eternal space of nothingness.- Nothingness, with its zeroth value, transcends all human understanding and contains all that exists means anything known to human exist in it as it's not matter whether it's philosophical , scientifical , theorical , mythological , anything in its contained it's have everything so it's transcend notion of definition as it's have no definition as you can't call it metaphysical, spiritual ,higher dimensional etc as it's have no definition what's over you can see it as zero dimension to infinity dimension or beyond dimension definition by the any know and unknown theories so in simpler term the turn null is simply nothingness or imaginary collapse as Rimuru have direct control over it

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