Rimuru pranking Sataro as girl

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Scene: Tokyo, 2009

Satoru Mikami, a 37-year-old office worker, is walking home late at night. The streets are mostly empty, with only a few people scattered around. Unbeknownst to him, a thief with a knife is eyeing him from the shadows.

Satoru Mikami: sighs* "Another long day... Maybe I should finally try that new ramen place. Who am I kidding? I'm just going to head home and watch TV."

Suddenly, the thief lunges at Satoru with a knife.

Thief: "Give me your wallet!"

Satoru freezes, fear paralyzing him. Just as the thief is about to strike, a blue-silver haired girl, looking no older than 15, appears out of nowhere and grabs Satoru, pulling him to the ground.

??: "Watch out!"

The thief stumbles, his knife missing Satoru by inches. The girl quickly stands up, her golden eyes glaring at the thief, who suddenly feels an overwhelming sense of dread.

Thief:panicking "W-What are you?!" drops the knife and runs away can sense the something telling don't go near her

Satoru, still on the ground, looks up at the girl who saved him. She offers him a hand, and he takes it, getting to his feet.

Satoru: "Thank you so much! You saved my life. Are you okay?"

Rimuru blushes slightly, acting shy for the fun of it.

Rimuru: "I-I'm fine. Just glad you're safe. My name's Rimuru."

Satoru: "Rimuru... That's a cute name. I'm Satoru Mikami. I don't know how to thank you."

Rimuru: *giggles* "No need to thank me. I just couldn't let that happen. Besides, I'm a big fan of yours!"

Satoru looks puzzled.

Satoru: "A fan? Of me? I'm just an ordinary guy."

Rimuru laughs softly, a playful glint in her eyes.

Rimuru: "Maybe to others, but not to me. You're special, Satoru. You just don't realize it yet."

Satoru blushes, scratching the back of his head.

Satoru: "Well, uh, thank you, Rimuru. I really appreciate it. Can I at least buy you something to eat as a thank you?"

Rimuru shakes her head, still smiling.

Rimuru: "That's sweet, but I have to go. Just promise me you'll take better care of yourself."

Satoru nods, still bewildered by the whole situation.

Satoru: "I will. Thanks again, Rimuru."

Rimuru waves and starts to walk away, but then she turns back, giving him a knowing smile.

Rimuru: "Oh, and Satoru? Don't be too hard on yourself. Great things are in store for you. Trust me."

With that, Rimuru disappears into the night, leaving Satoru standing there, confused but grateful.

Rimuru: *thinking* "Well, that was fun. Saving my past self like that… It won’t cause a paradox because I’ll make sure the timeline adjusts. Besides, it’s good to mess with things now and then. He has no idea what’s coming, but at least he’ll be a little more careful."

Thus a story where Rimuru, in the form of a 15-year-old girl, saves his past self (Satoru Mikami) in 2009 Tokyo. Rimuru messes with the timeline just for fun, ensuring no paradoxes occur. Whatever she or he thinks.

Scene: Tokyo, the next day

Satoru Mikami is on his way to work, still thinking about the strange encounter from the previous night. As he walks down a busy street, he suddenly hears a familiar voice.

Rimuru (disguised): "Hey, Satoru! Over here!"

Satoru turns and sees Rimuru, the girl who saved him, waving at him with a bright smile. He walks over, still a bit flustered from the previous night's events.

Satoru: "Rimuru! It's you again. I didn't expect to see you."

Rimuru: *grinning* "Yeah, I was just around the area. Thought I'd say hi. Did you sleep well after yesterday's excitement?"

Satoru: *laughs nervously* "Uh, yeah, I guess. Thanks again for saving me. I'm still not sure how to repay you."

Rimuru: *playfully* "You could start by taking me out for a coffee. I wouldn’t mind getting to know my hero a bit better."

Satoru blushes deeply, not used to this kind of attention from a girl, especially one as cute as Rimuru.

Satoru: "O-Of course! I'd love to. There's a nice café just around the corner."

They walk together to the café, Satoru trying to calm his nerves while Rimuru enjoys watching him squirm a little.

Scene: Café

They sit down at a table, and Satoru orders two coffees. Rimuru watches him intently, her golden eyes sparkling with mischief.

Rimuru: "So, Satoru, do you have a girlfriend?"

Satoru almost chokes on his coffee, his face turning bright red.

Satoru: "N-No, I don’t. I’ve been too busy with work and… well, life, I guess."

Rimuru leans in closer, a teasing smile on her lips.

Rimuru: "Really? A nice guy like you? That’s hard to believe. You must have girls lining up to date you."

Satoru: *stammering* "N-Not really. I guess I’m just not very good at that sort of thing."

Rimuru: *giggles* "Well, maybe you just haven’t met the right girl yet."

Satoru tries to compose himself, but he’s clearly flustered.

Satoru: "What about you, Rimuru? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Rimuru laughs softly, enjoying the game.

Rimuru: "Nope, I’m single. But who knows? Maybe that’ll change soon."

Satoru’s mind races, trying to make sense of Rimuru’s words. He can’t help but feel a bit hopeful, despite knowing how unlikely it is.

Satoru: *thinking* "She’s just being friendly, right? There’s no way she’d be interested in a guy like me… But still…"

Rimuru, sensing his internal struggle, decides to push a little further.

Rimuru: "You know, Satoru, I had a lot of fun last night. Maybe we could hang out more often? I’d love to hear more about you."

Satoru’s heart skips a beat, his face lighting up.

Satoru: "I-I’d like that too, Rimuru. You’re really nice to talk to."

Rimuru leans back, satisfied with the effect she’s having.

Rimuru: "Great! It’s a date then."

Satoru’s eyes widen, but he smiles, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness.

Satoru: "A date… Yeah, that sounds great."

As they finish their coffee and leave the café, Rimuru links her arm with Satoru’s, enjoying the moment and the playful chaos she’s creating in his mind. She knows it’s all in good fun and that the timeline will adjust, but for now, she relishes in messing with her past self’s head.


Ugh even I cringed re reading this🚶

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