rimuru x overlord

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Scene 1: Arrival in the Overlord Verse

Rimuru Tempest materializes in the world of Yggdrasil, his eyes glinting with curiosity. The air hums with latent magic, and his Universal Perception kicks in immediately. This Rimuru is not a Rimuru you seen in normal timeline but a Rimuru who is not care of anything in the world every time trying to entertain himself this is a dark version of his its Rimuru born with power instead of evolving over in time

Rimuru: (smirking) "This place is fascinating. Let's see what it has to offer."

Using his abilities, Rimuru scans the world, quickly pinpointing the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He instantly teleports to its entrance, observing the massive structure before him.

Scene 2: Entering Nazarick

Rimuru strides confidently through the entrance, his aura passively overwhelming the guardians.

Shalltear: (taken aback) "Who dares enter the domain of Ainz Ooal Gown?!"

Rimuru: (chuckling) "Just a visitor here to make some changes."

Shalltear attempts to attack, but Rimuru flicks his wrist, and she is instantly immobilized, her body locked in place her all atoms bond are stoped moving to support each other.

Rimuru: "Don't worry, this won't take long."

Scene 3: Confrontation with Ainz

Rimuru reaches the throne room, where Ainz Ooal Gown sits regally. The guardians stand ready, but Rimuru's aura alone causes them to falter.

Ainz (sternly) "Who are you, and why have you come here?"

Rimuru: (smiling) "Name's Rimuru Tempest. I'm here to reshape your little playground."

Ainz raises his Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, preparing a spell, but Rimuru simply waves his hand, and the staff crumbles into dust.

Rimuru: "Your toys won't work against me. Let's make this quick."

Scene 4: Reshaping Nazarick

Within minutes, Rimuru uses his power to bend reality. The very fabric of Nazarick changes, walls morphing and growing, intricate patterns forming as it combines elements of Yggdrasil and Ying Yang philosophies.

Rimuru: "Now, this is more like it. Time to deal with you, Ainz."

Ainz is rendered powerless, his skeletal form floating in front of Rimuru.

Rimuru: "You'll make a fine decoration."

With a snap of his fingers, Rimuru transforms Ainz's skeletal and mana remains into an elaborate structure, a monument within the newly redesigned labyrinth.

Scene 5: Experimentation Begins

The inhabitants of Nazarick, including the guardians, are repurposed for Rimuru's experiments.

Rimuru: (to Albedo, who is now restrained) "Let's see how humans and monsters interact under different conditions."

Albedo struggles but is unable to break free.

Albedo: (angrily) "You won't get away with this!"

Rimuru: (laughing) "Oh, but I already have."

Scene 6: The New Nazarick

The Great Tomb of Nazarick is now a grand labyrinth, each corridor and chamber infused with magical energy and intricate designs, reflecting Rimuru's vision.

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