Chapter Twenty-Two

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Taehyung sloppily unlocked and opened the door to his apartment while Jungkook was still kissing him, peppering kisses on his face and neck.

Taehyung burst through the door and pinned Jungkook back against it when it closed behind them. He started kissing him again and let the make out session continue.

"Fuck, baby...You're so pretty, my pretty baby..." Taehyung breathes out between kisses. Jungkook lets out little moans and pants in response.

"Mhm, all yours." Jungkook whispers and tangles his fingers in the back of Taehyung's dark hair, who grunts.

"Dammit, Koo, we can't do this, not yet." Taehyung groans and gently pulls away, face showing a frustration that makes Jungkook frown.

"W-What? Why?" Jungkook grips the older's shoulders and tries to not sound as panicked as he feels. What did he do wrong?

"Jungkook, we are both buzzed, and-and I just-I don't know. I don't wanna move too fast and I don't want you to be uncomfortable or regret this later." Taehyung is the one panicking now. He was caught up in the moment and totally let his emotions take over. The last thing he wants is to hurt Jungkook or make it like he was taking advantage of him.

"What? Please, we can talk this out Tae! I promise I'm okay and I want this..." Jungkook was stunned at the sudden mood change. He understood the concern, but Taehyung looked so nervous all of a sudden.

"I don't think I'll be able to stop if we start again. Jungkook, I need you to want this, I want you to want this but I don't know that it's right. Technically you're still in a relationship and I don't know your headspace, and-and-"

"Taehyung, listen to me right now!" Jungkook gently raises is voice to break Taehyung out of his little spiral. Jungkook understood where the older was coming from, but he didn't want him to worry about anything right now besides fucking the daylights out of him. Taehyung took a deep breath and looked at Jungkook intensely, anxious about what he was going to say.

"I promise that although I'm a tad buzzed, my decision making capacity is not at all hindered. I'm in big space, I am thinking straight, and I still want you. Please believe me. And my previous 'relationship' stopped being a relationship the moment he put his hands on me for the first time. Forget about him. I have wanted no one else but you for a long time, and I want this now. I'm begging you to only focus on me tonight, and have a little fun? Please? As long as you want to, save the concern for another day, Tae, and take me to bed now." Jungkook gently explained. He lightly massaged the worried man's shoulders and let his hands linger around while he spoke in attempts to remind him how they ended up here in the first place.

He watched Taehyung's face soften a little, and he could tell the gears in his head were turning. It took a few seconds for Taehyung to register and act accordingly.

"Well, since you asked-" Taehyung quickly forgets all his worries and grabs Jungkook, picking him up bridal style and bringing him to their room.

Taehyung does believe Jungkook, and the little speech was all he needed for reassurance that this should happen.

"Ah!" Jungkook playfully screams and giggles as Taehyung seems happier and back to 'normal' thankfully.

Taehyung plops Jungkook down on the bed and quickly gets on the bed to hover over him. Once again, the mood returned and their lips met in a hurried frenzy. They got right back to it like a horny teenage couple.

Taehyung's hands travel all over Jungkook's body, sliding under his shirt to play with his pecs. His fingers graze over the younger's nipples, making him squeak in surprise.

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