Chapter Eleven

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Once Taehyung and Jungkook finally got home, they dumped the bags on the counter and started putting them away.

Well, I guess it was really mostly Jungkook putting things in the wrong spot and Taehyung having to go back and re-put them in the right spot.

But anyway, Taehyung was in the middle of putting the bread on the counter instead of in the freezer where Jungkook had put it, when his phone rang.

The blonde sighed and went over to the counter, picking up his phone to check it. His eyebrows furrowed seeing who was calling.

He usually doesn't call on weekdays...

Taehyung thought before answering. He went into the living room for some privacy.


"Hey, Taehyung! I just wanted to tell you something."

"Ok? What is it?"

"Well, actually I'm gonna be at your house in ten minutes. Oops."

"What?! I am NOT ready for you or anyone to come over. Um, uh, my house is a mess, and I'm putting away groceries. Yeah. Then I have to, uh, clean the dog pen."

Taehyung tried putting excuses together in order to keep him from visiting. You see, Taehyung was not keen on Jungkook meeting his friends quite yet. That is going to be chaos and way too much to explain to them about the situation. It's not like he didn't want his friends to meet Jungkook, in fact he would happily do this another day, but right now he's just not ready for it.

"Hehehe, sorry but I'm not taking no for an answer! I'm already on my way!"

"Is there really no way out of this?"

"Nope, you're stuck with me buddy. See ya!"


Taehyung quickly hung up, went silent for four seconds, and then screamed into the sleeves of his sweatshirt.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" Jungkook popped out from the kitchen to check on the frustrated Taehyung.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except I'm gonna maybe, kinda, need you to hide in our room for a few hours." Taehyung said quickly, braced himself for the whining.

"What?!" Jungkook yelled, flailing his arms.

"No! You can't just lock me in a room! Why do I even have to hide?!" Jungkook continued, outraged.

"Listen, Kookie, I have ten minutes before my friend busts through my door like he owns the place, and the last thing I need is for him to pester me about a boy who's staying here and calls me Daddy! He's going to flip his shit! So please, can't you just stay in the room for awhile? Please? For Daddy?" Taehyung pleaded. He had a feeling that this was a far stretch for the noisy Jungkook to sit quietly in a room for a couple hours, but it was worth a shot. Especially if it saved him a long explanation and an earful from his Hyung.

"B-But why can't Kookie just meet Daddy's friend? I'll be a good boy! Promise! D-Don't lock me up, p-please! Koo can't-can't do it again! Please!" Jungkook started to spiral, getting way more upset and all worked up. He was starting to cry, and waving his arms around and rambling.

Taehyung panicked, not thinking that Jungkook would get so worked up over this. Yeah, he knew he would resist, but not have a  full on breakdown over it. It was alarming really.

But when in doubt, just give Jungkook cuddles.

"W-Wait, Kookie, don't cry! I didn't mean for you to get so upset. Just come here, honey, Daddy's sorry." Taehyung opened his arms for Jungkook.

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