Chapter Seven

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Taehyung woke up feeling like shit.

What else is new?

He had actually no fucking clue what day it was and groaned when he looked at his phone for the date. He had to work today. Jin had asked him to come in, so Taehyung said yes because he has nothing better to do.

Yeontan was still sleeping next to him, looking cute as fuck. When isn't he cute? Taehyung gave him a little petting on the head before sneaking out of bed, trying not to wake up his doggie. He slipped on some black jeans and a black sweatshirt. The outfit fit his mixed mood perfectly. Dark. Dreary. Sad. Mad. But still hot.

He puts a green apron on at work anyway, making him look like a cliche starbucks employee, so it didn't matter too much about his outfit choices. It's his personality that counts.

The blond haired male checked himself out in the mirror, nodded his head, and went to the kitchen. He had some time before he had to leave, so he made himself some cinnamon toast to eat before leaving. But of course, he has to fuck everything up, and knocks over the opened container of cinnamon, making it spill all over the table and some on the floor.



"Fuck, yet again!"

As if on cue, a little fluffy Yeontan ran into the room like a mad man. Taehyung grabbed him before he could lick the cinnamon all over the floor and put him in his little play pen. Trying to clean up cinnamon of all things with an energetic dog around trying to lick it all up? Yeah, no thanks.

Taehyung cursed the entire time he vacuumed and swept up the cinnamon from the floor, slowly becoming later and later for work. Once he finished cleaning it all up, which took him like ten minutes due to perfectionism, he put food in Yeontan's food bowl, took the dog out of his pen so he could roam the apartment while he was gone, and laid out toys for him. He texted his friend, Hoseok, to come take Yeontan on a walk out every so often while he was at work. It wasn't the first time, so Hoseok said yes.

Taehyung gave Yeontan one last kiss on the head before heading out the door and shutting it behind him, locking it. The barking from inside made him sad. Taehyung hates leaving Yeontan alone all the time, but daddy has to work and make money okay? He makes sure Tannie gets plenty of cuddle and play time anyway.

He sighed and walked away from the door.
And so Taehyung was off, on his journey through this hell he called life.

By the time he made it to the cafe, he completely forgot he was gonna be late.

"Oh shit. Jin's gonna whoop my ass... or hopefully not. Who knows, maybe he'll be nice and understa-" the fucking second he walked in the door he was cut off.

"Hey Tae, Jin's gonna whoop your ass."

Yoongi said, sitting on a stool by the main counter. The black haired male smiled at his scared friend.

"Shit! Where is he?"

"I think he's-"


Jin bursted into the main room from the back, storming up to the terrified Taehyung.

"Wait, no, I can explain! I'm sorry, please don't whoop my ass!" Taehyung pleaded, scared shitless of the red faced older man.

"How dare you come in 15 minutes late?! There's no excuse when you said you had nothing better to do!" Jin over exaggerated as always. He was being over dramatic and moving his head around, meaning he wasn't being 100% serious with what he was saying.

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