Chapter Fourteen

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"Come in!" Taehyung yelled.

A nurse slowly opened the door and walked in. It was a shorter woman with long blonde hair pushed back in a ponytail with a nervous look on her face.

It wasn't a surprise she was nervous, most nurses were nervous around Taehyung's grandfather. You never knew what his mood would be.

But, it was their job to help people, and they all just wanted to help him the best they could. They work very hard, and that's why you should thank those frontline healthcare workers that are making sacrifices to help people feel better.

"Hello, Mr. Kim! And other Mr. Kim. And Mr. I don't know your name. But I am here to give you your lunch and medicine, resident Mr. Kim." The nurse rambled on nervously and laughed a little as she set the tray of food and pills on the little kitchen counter.

"Hi. I would like to have my lunch over here in the living room today actually. But I refuse to take the pills." The oldest one in the room said, a tough look on his face. The nurse sighed and brought the tray over to the coffee table in front of him. Taehyung and Jungkook just observed carefully.

"You can have lunch in the living room, but you do have to take your medicine. I know you don't like it, but you need it to live." The nurse explained calmly. But he didn't care.

Taehyung noticed the expression on his grandpa's face contort into aggravation. Uh oh. He grabbed Jungkook's hand and slowly pulled him closer, unsure of what would happen.

"No! I refuse to take it! I know the mind games you're playing with me. I will not play into them." Taehyung's grandfather grew mad and raised his voice at the nurse who was just trying to do her job.

"No, sir. I promise I'm just doing my job and trying to help you. We aren't tricking you or anything, these pills are just so you can manage your symptoms and feel good, alright? Do you understand that, Mr. Kim?"

The nurse was trying to very politely explain it to him, and thought she got through to him when he got quiet for a second. But she was foolish to think that.

"No! They aren't going to help me! They are to weaken me and keep me under your mind control. I said, I refuse. I don't even want to eat now either! Who knows what you put in there?" The aged man started yelling, becoming very upset and angry at the nurse.

And that's when Taehyung knew his grandfather was going through another episode right now.

The blonde haired male looked over at Jungkook, who was visibly shaken up at the sudden outburst of his grandpa. Then the nurse cut in.

"Sir, this is just another episode, you will be fine I pro-" The nurse spoke sternly but was cut off when the man she was confronting stood up. The eldest took the pills off the tray and threw them at the nurse. It was a weak throw, but it still got his point across even if it didn't hurt her. It didn't help either when he knocked the cup of water on the floor and some got on the nurse.

Then Jungkook made a mistake.

He gasped and rushed over to the nurse before Taehyung could even stop him. Jungkook took a napkin from his pocket he randomly had in there and handed it to the nurse.

"H-Here! I'm so sorry, please clean up a li-" Jungkook was interrupted when a spoon was thrown at his head.

"Get back, Jukoo! Don't let her evil tricks fool you!" Taehyung's grandpa yelled, getting Jungkook's name wrong again, after throwing the metal spoon at him. Jungkook flinched and didn't back away.

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