Chapter One

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Do you know what it's like to watch someone slowly deteriorate right in front of you?

And to know you can't do anything about it because whatever happens is not in your hands?

Kim Taehyung knows what that's like. All too well, actually.

The blond haired male, the previously said Kim Taehyung, sadly looked down while he was walking down the hospital hallway. He ruffled his hair with his big hand and let out a defeated sigh. He didn't know what to do anymore. It was getting harder and harder to balance his life with everything going on.

His mom, his grandpa, his job, his relationships, school, and just the overall stresses life can bring a burdened adult.

He just needed a break. Some sort of light to come upon his life and change it. But as much as he needed or wanted it, he had a feeling nothing would change. Nothing ever went right for Taehyung, how could he expect something so positive to enter his life and fix it when he couldn't even get his own grandpa to remember his name?

It was all so bleak anymore. His vision was hazed while he trudged down the hallway at an ungodly hour after visiting his mother for the whole day. Taehyung was deep in thought until he bumped into someone's shoulder.

"Hey, watch it!" An average looking man a little shorter than Taehyung with jet black hair and was wearing a shirt and jeans snapped.

"Sorry..." Taehyung mumbled before he briskly walked towards the elevator as the other man walked in the opposite direction.

He got down to the pristine lobby and bid goodnight to the security officer sitting behind the long desk, knowing full well he would be right back here tomorrow. He basically lived there now. Except nights like this, where he had work the next morning and then had to go to school. He hurried out of the lobby doors to the outside, because if he was lucky, he could get about 4 hours of sleep if he went home now.

The night breeze felt refreshing against Taehyung's honey tanned skin, like rain coming after months being without it. He held his keys like he was ready to stab somebody just in case he really needed to in that creepy hospital parking lot. His eyes flickered everywhere until he reached his car where he got in, started the vehicle, and drove back to his quaint apartment.


Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Fuck off, you stupid alarm." Taehyung groaned while slamming his hand down on his phone (poor choice?) to shut his alarm up. He got as much sleep as he expected, only about the 4 hours, and now had to live off of that for a busy day ahead. He forced himself out of bed and let the cold air embrace his body while he got ready for the day.

He threw on a black bandana, a black shirt, and black long pants. He has gotten way more into the lazy and careless side of clothing ever since he got all busy with his struggles. He admitted he still looked low key hot though, and nodded to himself in approval before grabbing his keys, wallet, and a jacket, and walking out the door. In just the same way as he did only around 4 hours prior, he got in his black car, started the vehicle, and drove off.

Except this time, he was on his way to Kim's Coffee, the cute coffee and sweet shop Taehyung worked at. Such an original name for the place too. But hey, their business is booming and locals love the place, so it all turned out fine I suppose.

The smell of coffee beans and mixed up sweets and pastries filled Taehyung's nose as he walked in, as always. And also as always, he was greeted by his boss there.

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