Chapter Eight

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"Thanks so much Hobi! I really appreciate you always babysitting Tannie for me."

"No problem, Tae. Yeontan's a cute little angel, so I don't mind." Hoseok smiled at Taehyung who was holding Yeontan in his arms.

"Of course he is, at least around you. He loves you. He saves his trouble making for me." Taehyung sighed and smiled.

He was thanking Hoseok for watching Yeontan during his shift, and really couldn't be more grateful. Hoseok is his sunshine angel and savior. What would he do without him?

"Aw I'm sure it's not that bad Tae. How much damage could a dog do? You should see what my little cousin does, I think a baby might be worse than a dog." Hoseok laughed, obviously joking or even being sarcastic.

"Eh, I don't know yet. Let's call it a tie." Taehyung laughed, standing up from the couch with his dog still in his arms, and Hoseok did the same.

"That's fair. Well, my sister is waiting for me at home, so I gotta go. But text me whenever you need a babysitter. I mean hey, I'll babysit your future kids too. I gotta make sure they know Uncle Hobi is the best." Hoseok laughed, petting Yeontan.

"Alright, I'll take your offer up on that one day. Maybe. But at least let me pay you for your troubles?" Taehyung turned around to grab his wallet on the coffee table, but the older Hoseok stopped him.

"No no no, please, you don't have to."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I enjoy watching him. Helping you is more than enough for me." Hoseok shook his head and smiled.

"Ugh. I'm sorry, you are my true sunshine, I swear." Taehyung sighed.

"You know it! I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope!" Hoseok smiles and did a little dance.

"Ew, that's your old high school nickname." Taehyung scrunched his nose in fake disgust.

"I think it still applies. I wish I remembered who came up with it though." Hoseok tilted his head to think but then shook it off.

"Anyway! I should get out of your hair." Hoseok walked towards the door.

"You're never a bother Hobi. But thanks again, J-Hope!" Taehyung laughed.

"Haha. Bye Tae, bye Tan! See ya next time!" Hoseok waved and opened the door.

"Bye!" Taehyung waves Yeontan's paw to make it seem like he was waving, and the dog barked in response. Hoseok waves one more time and finally stepped outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Do you love Hoseok more than me, Tannie?" Taehyung asked the happy dog in his arms.

Yeontan just barked and stuck his tongue out, panting.

"Thanks. Love you too."

It's been two weeks since that day. Taehyung remembers cuddling his dog again that night, but waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. To his dismay, can't remember what the nightmare was about for the life of him. All he can recollect is screaming and crying sounds.

The male ruffled his blonde hair in frustration.

He was sitting on his couch thinking about that nightmare two weeks ago. He had today off of work and decided to relax for once, especially while Yeontan was taking a nap. Too bad his mind wanders too much.

In order to calm down, he decided to take a little walk outside. It was pretty cool outside, so he threw on a brown coat over his black shirt and dark pants. Of course, he looked dashing.

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