Chapter Three

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Taehyung just couldn't forget what happened earlier.

The image of the cute boy in his lap kept randomly popping into his head.

There was something about the baby ravenette dude that was so... enticing. Whether it was curiosity about the situation he was in, or the words he said, or that the boy was just beautiful, there was definitely something that made that "Jungkook" guy so memorable.

"Dude, stop staring off into space."

Yoongi said and waved his hand in front of Taehyung's face. They both got off work in like five minutes so they were just sitting and waiting.

"Oh, sorry."

"Are you thinking about him?" Yoongi asked like the tease he can be.

"Him? Who's 'him'? I have no him." Taehyung quickly said. He didn't think Yoongi actually saw what happened earlier, but he didn't want to talk about it in case Yoongi thought Taehyung actually felt something for the stranger. That would sound like a Yoongi thing to do. He's a genius.

"Come on, Tae, I know you better than that! I saw that boy in your lap earlier! You can't lie to me, man. He was clearly into you. You weren't even fucking him and he was already calling you daddy. That's all gotta mean something." Yoongi inquired.

That was another thing Taehyung didn't get. Why the baby dude acted like a baby. He was sure there was a reasonable explanation for it, but Taehyung had no clue what that explanation would be. He would certainly look it up when he got home though. Taehyung wasn't a judgy person at all unless you give him a reason to judge you. He was just curious.

And the daddy thing. He didn't know why baby dude called him that either. It didn't turn him on exactly, but it certainly got his attention. And that he called the other guy his old daddy. It looked like they were still together, in some way because their relationship seemed different whether it was romantic, or a sugar daddy thing, or something more.

Okay yeah, Taehyung needs to look this up when he gets home.

But it's not like he'll ever see him again. Right?

"Hyung! Stop it! It wasn't like that. I'll probably never even see him again anyway, so it doesn't matter. But you on the other hand get to see your carrot head all the time." Taehyung changed the subject quickly. He was sooo smooth. Like a snake.

"You never know. Fate is weird. But I can assure you, carrot head most likely would never ever go out with a guy like me. I'm too... Yoongi."  Yoongi frowned.

"Hey, cheer up, yoongles. I'm sure he likes you, but even if he doesn't, somebody will. And they will love you so so much. Just don't give up on him just yet. Because you know what? I will be your wingman." Taehyung comforted the black haired male.

Taehyung knew the painful feeling of loving someone who you knew was slowly slipping away. He didn't want his best friend to think he wasn't good enough, especially for a boy he liked.

"If you are my wingman, then I'm definitely fucked." Yoongi said.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Do you remember the last time you tried to help me? You literally asked him if he would take money to be with me! That's prostitution!"

"It was one time! I was desperate! Shut up! And if he said yes, you know he's a hoe that ain't shit."



"Never. Ever. Again."

"Okay." Taehyung looked down at his phone to check the time.

"Shit, it's already time to go. Come on, let's clock out, I got class." Taehyung got up and motioned Yoongi to do the same.

They both clocked out, bid Jin goodbye, and went off their separate ways for the day.
Taehyung was ready to dashi run run run out of this bitch.

Oops, I meant he was prepared to politely excuse himself from the classroom and walk out in a courteous manner. Yeah. Totally.

Why did he even have to go to school? When on earth is he gonna need this crap? Teach him taxes or home ec. Something useful in everyday life. Not how to take a standard form equation and put it into slope intercept form. Fuck that shit.

"For the last 15 minutes of class, please do pages 30-40 from your workbook. It's due tomorrow." The teacher spoke from the front of the room, breaking Taehyung from his brooding state.

A collective groan could be slightly heard from the class. Nonetheless, everybody got busy. They were all used to the ridiculous amount of homework they received from this particular math teacher, but that doesn't mean they couldn't complain still.

When the bell rang, Taehyung jumped from his seat in joy. He grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the room, knowing he was a man with a plan.

First, he had to go to the store. Second, he had to take care of his dog. Third, he had to visit his mother. And finally, he had to browse the web for the answers to his never ending questions about the baby dude.

Taehyung was unsure about many things in life. Most of the time he brushes it off. But for some reason, he just couldn't brush off the incident with the baby Jungkook guy. And oddly enough, he didn't think he ever would.


Hey guys! I'm sorry this was so short and weird but I felt I had to push something out after not updating for so long. Work has been piling up and sports and school and all that so I haven't had time. I'm so so sorry but will try to change that in the future! Next chapter will be extra long to make up for this one

Thank you so much for the reads and views and such! Love you guys 💜

Hopefully see ya soon 👋

-Author of many thoughts

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