Chapter Sixteen

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"How the fuck did I mess this up?"

Taehyung said, sighing since he was disappointed in himself for fucking things up.

He sadly dumped his plate over the trash can, watching the burnt egg slide off and fall into the bin.

When Taehyung woke up this morning, he was met with a tuft of raven hair and two other bodies of fluff in his face. Aka; Jungkook and the two animals.

He had to slowly get out of bed without waking anyone up so he could go into the kitchen and make breakfast. Unfortunately, he failed at making eggs and toast again and burnt an egg or two. It was an easy meal, and even though Taehyung considered himself a good cook, something was off today and now he had to remake it.

Taehyung took a break and poured the dog and cat food and water into their respective dishes. Perhaps the animals were psychic or had some super hearing abilities because the sound of paws pattering against the floor were heard immediately after he poured them their food.

Yeontan and Moonie ran right up to their bowls and chowed down happily. Taehyung smiled and gave them each a rub on their heads before going back to making his and Jungkook's breakfast.

This time, he didn't fail and successfully made eggs sunny side up and some toast on the side. He was putting the plates on the table when he heard noises coming from the bedroom.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and strained his ears to listen.

Was that Jungkook? Is he... whimpering?


Taehyung's eyes widened at Jungkook's yell for him and he rushed into the bedroom.

He saw Jungkook laying on the bed, rolling around a bit in distress. His eyes immediately went to the older male standing in the doorway and made grabby hands for him.

"D-Daddy!" Jungkook whined and continued his grabby hands so Taehyung would come closer.

"What's wrong, Kook- Ack!" Taehyung walked over and grabbed Jungkook's hand, only for him to be yanked onto the bed.

Jungkook pulled him down on the bed next to him and snuggled into Taehyung's side. He threw his arms and legs over the older's body and hugged him tight.

"Kookoo's sleepy! I-It's hard to sleep without Daddy. Koo needs Daddy!" Jungkook whined and hid his face in Taehyung's side, closing his eyes and trying to sleep some more.

"Baby, I'm honored, but you need to get up. I already made breakfast and you need food to survive. You don't want food to go to waste do you?" Taehyung sighed and patted the younger's head.

"Ughhh. I guess not. But Koo still doesn't wanna get up! Dreamland is nice, the real world is bad!" Jungkook still whined.

"I can't argue with you there. People suck. But unfortunately you can't live in Dreamland. So let's just go eat some delicious food, okay?"

"Are you sure it's delicious? Or did Daddy mess it up and cook it?"

"How dare you?! I'm terribly offended. I'm an amazing chef!" Taehyung gasped and yelled in fake aggression, feeling playful.

"Sorry, Daddy! I was kidding! Daddy can make good food!" The little giggled, also feeling playful.

"I know you're joking, Kookie. But then let's just go eat and see how good it is, yeah?" Taehyung tried to persuade the youngest, hoping he wouldn't be so rebellious today.

Taehyung peeled Jungkook's limbs off of him and slid out of his hold, now standing next to the bed. He was about to turn around and leave when he was halted.

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