Chapter Five

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Once they broke from their 15 minute cuddle session, they continued talking and laughing like normal. Unfortunately though, Taehyung had to eventually leave.

"Ok mom, sorry I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow I promise. Love you, bye!" Taehyung waved at his mother and heard her say bye back before shutting the door.

He deeply sighed as he walked away and to the elevator at yet another ungodly hour of the night. He obviously loves his mother to death, but the lack of sleep and amount of work were getting to him. And he knows he has to visit his grandpa tomorrow.

Again, he loves his grandpa, and he only visits him once or twice a week, but it's hard on Taehyung to deal with him sometimes. His grandfather could be the nicest old man one minute, and the rudest jerk the next.

And of course on top of that, his grandpa had-


Taehyung didn't even notice he was already in the elevator and a man was rushing towards it and telling him to hold the doors.

Taehyung snapped out of it and held his arm in between the elevator doors to keep it open for the familiar man.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." Tae awkwardly said, internally cringing. Boy did he hate himself right about now. And all the time. Mostly.

Once the other male got in, Taehyung's hand retracted and they sat in an awkward silence until they reached the main floor. Again, this jet black haired man seemed so familiar to Taehyung, yet he was too disoriented and dumb feeling right now to figure it out. One day he would realize who it was, and boy would he feel really dumb then.

They both walked out to the parking lot conveniently at the same time even after Tae said bye to the desk worker. The poor blond haired male had to watch as the black haired man got into the fanciest and most expensive looking car he had ever seen.

"Geez, What the hell does it feel like to be that rich?" Taehyung wondered out loud as he got to his car.

"Must be nice." He finished and sighed.

Okay, he wasn't that poor, but he certainly struggled a lot financially. Keeping up tuition was hard sometimes, but he managed. Just extra hours working, other jobs around the neighborhood for people, and stuff like that.
Yeah yeah, money doesn't buy happiness or whatever, but it certainly helps a lot. It seems like this god forsaken society built up statuses and values on wealth anyway, usually the richer the better you seem. It took him a long time to accept that.

Okay, he's gonna keep rambling like an annoying little whiner and hopeless romantic here, but Taehyung has a certain hope or belief. One day, he'll find someone to help boost his happiness to something he could've never dreamed of feeling. Someone to confide in, to cuddle, to take pride in, to help, to help him, to shower with affection, to love. And so much more. But he has no clue if that day will ever come. If it does, then money or any other thing won't matter. Because that person will be his happiness. And hopefully, he himself will be that person's happiness too.

Taehyung immediately jumped onto his bed the second he got home. He needed sleep so he could stop thinking about unnecessary things. But right as he was about to sleep, he remembered.

"Fuck! Oh fucking fuck you! Fuckitty fuck fuck fuck!" Taehyung shot up and was ready to rip his damn hair out of his head.

He sprinted into his living room and right to his computer desk in the corner. But he also had to be quiet since his dog, Yeontan, was sleeping. He opened the laptop and furiously began typing into google.

What does it mean when you act like like a baby as an adult?

And he searched though the first page of results. Literally no one goes to the second page of results unless they are desperate.

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