Chapter Seventeen

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Taehyung woke up to the sound of his phone ringing.

He very sleepily grabbed his phone off of the desk and pressed the accept button, trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't wake up Jungkook. The younger was still clinging onto the blonde in his sleep.

"Hello?" Taehyung answered in his deep, raspy morning voice.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! You know you have work today right?! Get here in 30 minutes or I'm firing your ass!" The voice of lovely Jin yelled from the other side of the phone and hung up before Taehyung could even respond.

Taehyung's eyes widened while he processed the information.

Fuck! I have to work!

He completely forgot about work. Jungkook was really taking up the majority of his brain and kept him so busy that he'd basically forgotten about everything else. Oopsie.

Taehyung doesn't care that much though. He'd rather spend time with Jungkook instead of going to work or school. The only thing he missed were his friends, but he could see them almost whenever he wanted anyway.

Thankfully though, his school emailed him last week saying classes were cancelled for another two months because someone set the science lab on fire again and the whole place needed renovations. Yay!

Despite all that, Taehyung still had to get up and go to work.

Should I take him?

Remembering how Jungkook usually reacted when being told to stay home alone, which was bad, Taehyung decided he'd just have to take Jungkook with him.

He reluctantly sat up and started shaking Jungkook awake.

"Jungkookie? Baby, wake up!" Taehyung softly tried waking the younger up. Jungkook only whined and wrapped the sheet around him tighter, keeping his eyes closed.

"Koo, we have to get up. I gotta go over some things with you because you have to go to work with me today."

Jungkook's eyes finally opened at that and sat up, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's broad shoulders and digging his face into one of them.

"Really? Daddy has to go to work?" Jungkook groaned.

"Yes, unfortunately. But you have to come with me, because I assume you don't wanna be home alone. Right?" Taehyung patted the younger's head that was on his shoulder.

"K-Koo doesn't wanna be alone! Please, no!" Jungkook perked his head up and pleadingly stared into Taehyung's eyes.

"No, Koo. I'm not leaving you alone, okay? For the third time, that is why you're coming with me. So get up and we can talk on the way there." Taehyung said with a sigh, softly taking Jungkook's arms off of his shoulders. Doing that caused an immediate whine from the ravenette.

"I have to get ready. Remember Jin hyung? He's my boss and friend, and he's waiting for me. I'm gonna get fired or scolded if I'm not there in 30 minutes. So, can you get dressed while I get ready in the bathroom? We can eat something when we get there." Taehyung explained, hoping it would ease Jungkook a bit.

"Okay, daddy." Jungkook sighed and rolled onto his stomach on the bed.

"Hey! You can't go back to sleep now! Get up!" Taehyung yelled and hit Jungkook's butt with a pillow. Taehyung was slowly waking up, while Jungkook was still tired as ever. After all the crying yesterday, he got tired out.

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