Chapter Two

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It had been about four hours into his six hour shift when Taehyung got to take a little break.

He bought a little chocolate donut and a black coffee and sat down at a table and chair where he couldn't see anyone walking in or out of the cafe. He sipped his coffee, ate his donut, and messed around on his phone for awhile as he still had 15 minutes left of his break by the time he settled in.

"I fucking hate myself." Yoongi grumbled while plopping down in the seat in front of Taehyung.

"I hate you too."

"Oh you asshole."






"Uncultured swine!"

"Inbred swamp twat!"

"You!- fuck I can't think of anything!" Yoongi groaned after trying to keep the banter going.

"Ha! I win! Now what did you do this time to make you so... regretful? What happened, my little ray of sunshine?" Taehyung cheered then asked with sight sarcasm, already having a small idea on what happened.

"Carrot head happened. And me being socially awkward happened. I was just talking about painting my kitchen because he said I had paint on my jeans. Then he said 'Well good luck with the rest of that' and I said 'You too'." Yoongi gave dead eyes to Taehyung who laughed his ass off.

"Why are you laughing? Is my pain and suffering funny to you?!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah it kind of is. That is such a you thing, Yoongles. I'm sure he still loves you. Social awkwardness and all." Taehyung wiped a tear from his eye. Yoongi banged his head on the table one last time.


"Well you gotta go back to work and I am on break, so shoo fly shoo!" Taehyung waved Yoongi away who took a deep breath before standing up.

"I hate you."

"I love you too, my dearest kitten Yoongi!" Taehyung blew kisses in the mint haired male's direction who flipped him off and stomped away in return.

"I can't wait to be the best man at his and carrot head's wedding..." Taehyung fantasized and went to go refill his coffee.

Once he got his coffee, he said fuck it and got another donut, and sat back down at his table for two in the corner of the cafe. He heard the door open because of the damn bell that went off, but he just kept messing with his phone. He was oh so deep into scrolling through pictures of cute dogs and hot models when he heard a soft and whiny voice whine. What? He was a dog loving bisexual with a cute dog at home, he's allowed to do what he wants. Except everything he's told not to do. Does he make sense in his own head saying that? Not really.

"But I don't want to!" The soft whiny voice complained from the other side of the cafe.
Taehyung ignored it, thinking it was just another kid who's parent said they couldn't have something and had to do something else. It was a common occurrence there. It had to be an older kid though, strange, but the whiny voice had a tone of someone older. It's hard to explain.

"Listen, you brat, you are going to sit through the party with me, whether you like it or not! That's why I'm giving you a treat now. So you will behave later. This is supposed to be a bribe!" A stern voice said to the whiny one.

Taehyung was listening, but he didn't try to look who it was. He didn't think he cared that much. It was too much work to turn all the way around in his chair to look to his side properly. Well, actually it would only really be halfway around in his chair but he's over dramatic and over exaggerates often.

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