Chapter 8: Healing and Going Home Again

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Then again,it is a miracle and I'm a miracle,I mean,yeah my life will be forever changed since the accident but I was without oxygen and not being able to breathe for,at least, an hour,and should have been dead. I moved the mask ,again, to speak and said,"Joseph,you saved me". I then put the mask back in place as he said,"yeah,I know,I just didn't want to lose you and when I thought I did it was truly unbearable". Alexis had already fixed the machines so they were doing the same thing they were the last time. I was on less fluid and blood because I was healing,stronger and didn't need as much. Tomorrow,they will do another test on my head and lungs and if my lungs are better than they were,I will get moved to a oxygen cannula and nubbins again but will have them for a little while and depending,may or may not sleep with the mask on. After that, the results will depend on when we get to go home. Joseph was talking to me and said,"you are lucky you didn't die because you lost a lot of blood and your appendix and spleen had ruptured which was leaking toxins into your body which could have killed you and I'm lucky you didn't die in my lap,Izzie,he said. Are you tired and does it hurt?,he asked me. I just nodded my head slightly yes,squeezing his hand really tight,lost in my own thoughts. Just then,Alexis and one of my doctors came in and gave me my medication. I could tell by how quickly I fell asleep that a sedative was among them. They think I have short term memory loss and I believe that they're correct. The test was scheduled for today,that was what I remembered as I fell deeply into sleep. My grip on his hand let up the second that sedative entered the IV and into my body. That medicine I was on and the sedatives must be what have been making me so exhausted. I had to get a full body PET scan. I just woke up an hour before the test that must be why they gave me another sedative so I would be still during the scan. They had examined the scans while I laid there. I heard them say,"her lungs are getting better and the scan shows no damage done to her brain. She and the one of my many doctors took me back to my room and lifted me onto my bed with some assisted help because I was getting better,stronger and gaining back some of my weight that I had previously lost in the accident. I still don't weigh very much though and I never had but I definitely don't. They had help because they have to be careful.Alexis got me settled in the same position as before on the bed with the blanket tucked gently around me with my arms on top of it. She and the doctor very quickly switched my oxygen mask out for the nubbins. They were the transparent tubes that split behind my ears and was connected at my nose and chest. The same doctor went out into the hallway with Alexis to talk. I heard her say to Alexis," you are very lucky,her lungs are healing so quickly that we are looking at a 100% recovery in a few years,she will not need the mask to sleep or use anymore and that we will keep her overnight tonight to make sure she's okay and then we,hopefully,can get her home tomorrow morning. I woke a few hours later,relieved that I was okay. Joseph was holding my hand,gently stroking it. My hands were pretty tough and amazing,I had these tough musicians hands from playing bass which this was going to be my first year with band and orchestra but so far hasn't worked out to well. He also had these amazing musicians hands since he plays tenor saxophone, which we didn't have to many of them, with our high school's band. They had told Alexis earlier on,"she will still have to use a wheelchair so she will have less risk of ripping my stitches and bleeding out",even though they think I'm a fighter since I'm still alive after all that I've been through,"She can use crutches when she wants to just to be careful and not to often but that her oxygen tanks can go in this bookbag".They showed the bookbag to her which was a bag that was specially designed for medical reasons but it had wheels on it and handles for me to carry it so I can carry on my back when I want to or I can wheel it behind with assistance and if I'm in my wheelchair then I can put the straps over the handles.I fell back asleep after dinner and I slept until the next morning. An hour after I woke up and had breakfast,Alexis and my one main doctor or Alexis's friend,came in and removed my IV. She gave Alexis my medications,discharge papers,and the date for my follow up appointment. The doctor then left my room after saying goodbye to me and Alexis,again. Alexis had went out to the car to get my wheelchair and once she came back she and Joseph helped me to get into it which wasn't a very easy task. She once again showed the receptionist my discharge papers and she signed them releasing me from the hospital to go home. We left,I for once was feeling strong or at least stronger and not nearly as tired this time. If it weren't for the cast and the oxygen you would never know about what I've gone through. Joseph helped me into the backseat and got my oxygen settled at my feet before taking the wheelchair back into the back. He then got into the back himself. Alexis pulled out of the parking space and then got onto I-81. I eventually got anxiety that was building up but any normal human would do that if they went through what I've gone through so far. He eventually grasped my hand in the middle between us. I thought to myself,come on lungs breathe just breathe you can do it you are strong enough for this. When we got home,which I didn't fall asleep in the car this time,I used my crutches and very carefully made it up to the top of the steps all on my own with Joseph carrying my oxygen tank bag. It had only weighed a few pounds and was light enough for me to carry it on my back but he insisted on carrying it so I let him.

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