Chapter 20: Finally Better

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Eventually,about 2 months after I was fully over the sicknesses,they removed the oxygen nubbins once I was healed and there was no more fluid since I could breathe on my own and I made Joseph go back to school 3 days a week. I then got to return to school. I had a lot of work to catch up on. But I did it and got the credit for completion and after that my teachers took it easy on me since Alexis and Kate both went to the school to tell them to take it easy on me so that I could get better and getting stressed wouldn't help me any. The end of the school year came fast. We went to Joseph's graduation and was very proud because even though he missed a lot of school he still graduated. I had a few doctors appointments but nothing serious like before. I had made Honor Roll at our school.I played some bass in 9th but not many concerts since that I couldn't get up the stairs with my bass but we went to Joseph's concerts. 10th grade was pretty easy,I got bullied some by mean kids but Joseph,my friends who knew what I went through,Kate,and Alexis all took care of it. The bad part was that Joseph wasn't there at school with me anymore but I rode the bus home with Nic. People were there for me and my teachers were on my side.We still shared his bed since I still had terrible nightmares and we kissed quite a bit. We had told Alexis who apparently knew all along.I played bass and had drivers ed and that although I didn't enjoy it but I survived it. I got my license.That year went by pretty fast with very minimal doctors appointments. I still couldn't do bass concerts yet because I can't get up the stairs on my own with my bass since I can't hardly walk without assistance.Nic was already in 4th grade.Into the 1st week of my 11th grade year Joseph picked me up early and we went for lunch and then my doctors appointment. We met with Alexis and Kate,who wasn't on duty yet but was getting ready,and my orthopedic doctor. I asked Joseph to come with me and so he did.They looked me over and then the doctor looked at my leg and which was healing,giving me a brace that would hold it out straight in front of me and went down to my ankle from a little up from my knee and that I would get the knee brace next year. He told us some physical therapy exercises that I have to do once a day until my next appointment so that it can help me to walk on it again and so it won't be stiff. We did the exercises like he said. We all went out for dinner to celebrate,it was me,Joseph,Alexis,my mom who met with us since I haven't seen her for about 2 years and Kate. Several months later,we went to my next appointment and they got me the knee brace I needed since I was all healed and that I needed to wear the brace for the next 6 months and after that just when it is bothering me.Finally,I wasn't on crutches,oxygen,had an IV casts or stitches,or a wheelchair.After that a few more doctors appointments and I was done. Finally,I was recovering and better things were looking up and were great. But I didn't know that my life could get even better and was going to be even more then great.School was quite the handful and with my on hand experience of my life I knew a lot of medical stuff. My PTSD wasn't nearly as bad. I had 2 nurse classes at a school that can help me learn some then I would graduate and move onto college for 4 years. None of this was cheap so hopefully I was going to get some scholarships. Joseph never really said what he wanted to do,but I think that musician or mechanic was on that list. We were still a couple and we have been for a long time now. When we were together there was this spark I never ever felt before. It was so amazing and they have been there for me through all of it. I haven't seen my dad since before I had my accident. He still felt liable but I guess that in a way we all were but my life wouldn't have changed for the better if life wasn't the way it was. I think he was afraid to see me from shame or just plain frightened or maybe he was scared that I was mad and blamed him for screwing up my life but I wasn't and I already forgave him it wasn't all him it was all of us in some unknown way.Life works like that but if it wouldn't have then life wouldn't be great. It is life that works like that and sometimes it leaves us with choices some are good and some are bad and they lead you on paths and you have to choose which one sometimes you make them and sometimes they make you but you have to choose to give up and not make a choice or to try harder and make the choice and that you have to choose the right path and the one you want. I didn't know that I was going to love my choices and that they were the best thing to ever happen and that they made me.It took all of me and us and their support to get over the hardships but that they took everything,everything we had and it worked I lived and met some of the best people and the ones I have known changed forever but are even stronger now. Sometimes our worst moments in life turn into our best moments by meeting the best people.They were the best people ever brought into my life. If it wouldn't have been for that day in the woods and the events following all of it none of this would've happened life wouldn't be great,lives wouldn't have been changed,and that the choices we made never would've existed nor could they have been made.If it weren't for Joseph going hunting,I would be dead and that although I should be I'm not. I love life and I realize how precious it really is. Are you ready to go,Joseph asked me interrupting my thoughts.He was taking me somewhere which he said was a surprise no matter how many times I asked.I was in 11th grade.Sure,I said. He dressed up and made me dress up to. We talked and so we were talking and I was still clueless. Finally he made me put on a blindfold as we pulled off the interstate.After he drove for a while,he pulled to a stop. Okay take your blindfold off now,he said. I did and I gasped. Joseph you didn't have to do this,I said. I know but I wanted too we never had a real first date so here we are at the fanciest most expensive place I could find close,he said. I love you so much,I said hugging him. We went in and had a good time. The food was amazing. Once leaving there at 9,we went and walked around down by the little beach that as it turns out wasn't but 30 minutes from the trauma hospital that I had went to and still did for appointments. We had kissed and had a few touching moments that reminded me of when we met. We eventually had to leave to be back home before curfew at 10. We made it back by a little after 10 holding hands the whole ride home but Alexis was aware just didn't tell me so we weren't in trouble. I went to school the next day relaxed and happy. I finished out the school year with my knee brace and had my first concert in the years since my accident and after since I could finally walk on my own with no assistance and up stairs with my bass and at my first concert I had a solo and was getting an honor.

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