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Season One, Episode One

             NARI WAS HUNGRY, she wanted something sweet, something good, something from the new bakery in town; Sweet Haven

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NARI WAS HUNGRY, she wanted something sweet, something good, something from the new bakery in town; Sweet Haven. The bakery was honestly beautiful, soft colors that consisted of sage green and beige with white chairs and circular tables, on the walls were paintings, she recognized many that belonged to famous artists: Vincent Vangoh, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Frida Kahlo.

" Hi! Welcome to Sweet Haven " Constance Salvatore popped up from behind the register, her red hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she had a red apron on. A bright smile on her lips, Nari shuffled closer and gave her a polite smile " Hi. Are these Italian desserts? "

Constance hummed, a prideful look in her eyes " Yes. They're a family recipe " Nari nodded, looking at the deserts, she could sense Constance staring at her, tracing her features " Can I get two cannoli's, one zabaglione, oh and six zeppole's " Constance nodded, putting on gloves " So do you bake these by yourself or do you have help? "

Constance laughs a little " No, god, I'd die if I did this by myself, I can be fast - " Nari heard the smirk on her lips " but i'm not that fast, my brother helps me, he's around your age " Constance popped her head back up, closing the lid on the green box, she placed it on the counter " That's pretty nice of your brother, mines an asshole when it comes to cooking — " Nari takes out her wallet " he can't cook but honestly, I would appreciate a little help especially when my older sister can't cook at all " She laughed slightly, Constance giving a polite laugh as well.

" Tell me about it, my eldest brother knows how to cook, he just hates helping me. Twenty bucks "

Nari opened her wallet and handed twenty at Constance, their fingers brushed against each other, Nari watched as Constance swallowed, obviously feeling the power that Nari had in her veins " Have a good day! " Nari smiled, grabbing the box and walking out of the bakery, her smile faded once she stepped into the air, she felt something about Constance, she wasn't fully a vampire, something else.

Inside the bakery, Constance took a deep breath trying to shake off the effect that Nari had on her. The power in the young girl was strong, It felt similar to the man she had bumped into a week ago but Nari had it stronger, darker, full of energy. Constance shook her head, putting the twenty dollars in the cashier box, she needed to find out who the young girl was, including the man she had bumped into.

    WHEN NARI WALKED INTO THE HOUSE she was immediately swarmed by two dogs, and a cat: A golden retriever named Beau, a doberman pinscher named Eira, and a brown british shorthair named Shakespeare. Nari kneeled down, placing her bag by her feet, the box of desserts on a nearby desk, Shakespeare placed his paws on her thigh, and stretched up, rubbing his head against her chin, Nari laughed softly, rubbing under the cats chin, after getting his daily dose from Nari, Shakespeare walked off, and Beau and Eira pounced on her licking her face, Nari closed her eyes, patting them softly.

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