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Season One, Episode Two

      " I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT ON OCCASION, YOU MAKE ME SICK " Vivian said out loud walking into the living room, all dressed for work

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" I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT ON OCCASION, YOU MAKE ME SICK " Vivian said out loud walking into the living room, all dressed for work. Her eyes were on Nathaniel who sat on the couch, newspaper in his left hand, a wine glass filled with blood in his right, he looked up at his sister and gave a fake smile as Nari walked in from behind Vivian wearing a black and red pleated mini skirt, with sheer black tights, black heels, and a black cardigan.

" You know what makes me sick? " Nathaniel started licking the blood off his lips " Your face, go get it fixed, I'll pay for the surgery " Nari laughed out loud, smiling as Vivian crossed her arms over her soft pink blazer, a huff leaving her lips " Dangxineun jami absa! " You aren't funny, She yelled and stormed out of the house leaving her two siblings laughing at her.

Nari fixed the strap of her bag and walked towards the door " Have a good day, Oppa! "

Nathaniel smiled " You too, Dongsaeng " Nari gave him a soft smile before she left the house, and moving towards the car, entering the passenger seat, Vivian looked at her and narrowed her eyes at the skirt before looking up and glaring " That's my skirt! "

Nari raised an innocent eyebrow, buckling her seatbelt, she looked down at the skirt " Yeah, It looks better on me don't you think? " Nari gives her sister a small smirk that makes Vivian scoff, and look away, deep down Vivian knew that yes the skirt looked better on Nari than it did on her.

   NARI DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT of romantic love or relationships. What were you supposed to add? A hug? A smile? The occasion I love you? Maybe that's why Tyler Lockwood decided to cheat on her because she didn't understand or didn't add any of that, whatever it was, she didn't really care, all she knew is that It was her fault. Now going back to love, she never saw a good love relationship, her father and mother never showed how much love they had for each other, she never once heard them utter an i love you and she was sure that before their deaths, they barely slept in the same bed together which is why she was confused on why Elena and Stefan were eye fucking each other.

She shook her head choosing to ignore them, they weren't her business so she focused on Mr. Tanner's idiotic voice " Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago, It hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over a a hundred forty five, now the comet will be it's brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration— Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore, Ms. Gilbert? "

Nari's lips curled into amusement, and she stood up when the bell rang, she slid her notebooks inside her backpack, and left the classroom, she walked down the halls, smiling at those who smiled back, she moved over to her locker, opened it and grabbed her biology book " Nari " Her jaw clenched in annoyance at the familiar voice, she turned around, closing her locker, and leaned against it staring at Tyler Lockwood who forced a charming smile on his lips.

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