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Season One, Episode Three

    SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, SETTING UP DINNER with Elena and Bonnie hadn't been awkward as she thought it would be, It was actually pretty good " You explain it

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SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, SETTING UP DINNER with Elena and Bonnie hadn't been awkward as she thought it would be, It was actually pretty good " You explain it. Last night, i'm watching Nine-0, a commercial breaks comes on and i'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial and sure enough it's the guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back, they take a picture " Elena laughs shaking her head " Oh, come on that commercial's on a constant loop "

Nari nods in agreement " She's telling the truth, Nathaniel always turns off the television when the commercial pops on " Elena points at Nari, a hum leaving her lips telling Bonnie see.

Bonnie sighs " Fine. Well, how about this? Today i'm obsessed with numbers, three numbers, I keep seeing eight, fourteen and twenty two, how weird is that? "

Not so weird Is what Nari wanted to say, she wanted to tell Bonnie that she was a witch for one reason only and that was to frustrate Sheila Bennett, the elder witch despised Nari, Vivian and Nathaniel Kang for being what they were, the outcome of a demon and a witch, they were abominations just like that boy Sheila knew back in Portland, Oregon. Though, she hated Nari more and Nari never knew why.

Elena turned to Bonnie " Maybe we should play the lottery " Nari laughed at the tone of her voice as Bonnie glared at the two of them " Have you talked to your Grams? " Elena asked as Nari placed her cup of water at her lips, trying not to show her distaste.

" She's just gonna say it's because i'm a witch " Bonnie says pouring food onto the plate, her voice dripped with annoyance, Nari placed her cup onto the counter and gave Bonnie a teasing smile " Maybe you should believe her? Go to Hogwarts and all " Elena laughed, lips curling up into a soft smile and Bonnie shook her head, a smile on her lips " I don't want to be a witch, do you wanna be a witch? " She looked at the both of them.

Elena's nose scrunched up gaining a look from Nari
" I don't wanna be a witch " she exclaimed almost as if it was the worst thing ever, Bonnie and Elena didn't notice the look of offense that crossed Nari's face and before they could notice, Nari hid the expression as Elena poured food on a plate " And putting it in a nice bowl isn't fooling anybody " Bonnie said looking at her best friend amused, Nari chuckled softly, running her hands down her black jeans.

" Okay, serving spoons — " Elena spun around
" Where are the serving spoons? " She looked around the kitchen, brows furrowed, Bonnie turned around pointing at a drawer " Middle drawer on your left " she gave a shrug when Elena looked at her.

Elena opened the drawer and pulled out the wooden serving spoons  " Okay, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times " Elena shrugged walking back over, Bonnie hummed unconvinced " Yeah, that's it "

Nari was amused but she hid it well though she was also confused why was Bonnie's magic acting up now? Was it because of Stefan? Or was it something else. Her thoughts were cut off when the doorbell rang, Elena released a nervous a sigh " Okay, he's here. Don't be nervous, just be your normal loving self " Elena smiled warmly before heading to the door.

WE EAT GODS FOR DINNER, The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now