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Season One, Episode One

Season One, Episode One

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" NARI! "

She tenses at the voice as she walks into the Mystic Grill, her eyes moving towards the voice, Caroline is smiling at her, waving her forward, she's sitting with Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett and Stefan Salvatore.

" I'll go get the food " Vivian says, bumping her hip with her sister " Go talk to your friends " Nari looks at her sister and narrows her eyes " I don't have friends, they're more like... Allies so to speak " Vivian rolled her eyes at her sister and waved her off " Then go speak to your Allies " She said the last word with a mocking undertone, Nari huffed and walked away, her eyes tracing their features.

" I thought you said you weren't coming here? " Caroline said, furrowing her eyebrows. Nari placed her hand on the top of Caroline's chair " I'm just picking up food, my sister burned my rice and I don't eat my food without rice " She said gaining a small laugh from the three girls, Stefan's lips twitched in amusement.

" Oh! " Caroline exclaimed " Nari this is Stefan Salvatore. Stefan this is Nari Kang " His eye sparked in recognition as he looked at her, he straightened his back, extending his hand " Hi " He said politely, Nari smiled at him slipping her hand into his, Stefan's clenched his jaw, her power seeping into his skin, she felt powerful, dark, seductive and pure.

" It's nice to meet you " Nari said taking her hand away as Vivian came back, she gave the kids a small smile, and nod " Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, how are you three? Everything good " Her voice was soft as she spoke to them, she had known them since they were kids, she even baby sat Elena with Jenna several times.

The three girls responded, letting her know how they were fine and good, Vivian nodded and then her eyes went to Stefan " You were in my English class, correct? I'm sorry I don't know your name " Stefan smiled at her, reassuring her that it was okay.

" Stefan Salvatore, Ma'am "

Vivian's eye widened and she blurted out " Oh! Your Constance's brother " Nari pursed her lips, her cheeks puffing slightly as Stefan looked confused " You've met my sister? "

" Oh! No no no, I haven't met your sister at all, not at all— " And then she stopped talking, her cheeks turning red, her eyes moved to Nari knowing she was the reason why she stopped talking, Nari always had a knack for spelling Vivian and Nathaniel's mouth shut whenever they were speaking too much.

Stefan looked them weirdly, furrowed brows " My sister has not met her but I have, she own Sweet Haven right? " Stefan's lips curl up into a prideful smile and he nods, he was proud that his sister finally opened up her own bakery, she's been wanting for fifty years, but has never actually tried for the reason she never stayed in one place for a long time.

" Yeah, have you been? "

An exciting look seeps with Nari's eyes and she nods. Bonnie, Elena and Caroline look in between them " I went earlier today, and her sweets are to die for, I only ate the Zeppola's " Stefan leaned forward, his smile brightening " I'm glad you like those, I don't think I made them good enough "

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