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Season One, Episode Two

     KILLING CAROLINE FORBES IS AT THE TOP of Nari's kill list, that bubbly blond would be the first person Nari would kill— Now don't get Nari wrong, she honestly loved her, she was bubbly bright very so talkative but sometimes Nari liked peace a...

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     KILLING CAROLINE FORBES IS AT THE TOP of Nari's kill list, that bubbly blond would be the first person Nari would kill— Now don't get Nari wrong, she honestly loved her, she was bubbly bright very so talkative but sometimes Nari liked peace and quiet, that is what she wanted this morning but no, God decided to laugh at her face when Caroline Forbes dragged her out of her house and forced her to hand our pamphlets to the people of Mystic Falls.

" Hi, would you like a program? " Nari said, a fake smile placed upon her lips, she handed four to the adults in front of her, and Nari walked passed them, a sigh leaving her lips, patting the pack of pamphlets against the palm of her hand, her eyes suddenly took in Caroline smiling at someone, smile bright, and bubbly, Nari followed with her eyes where she was looking and she furrowed her eyebrows seeing a man quite older than they were, attractive, and wearing all black, his hands were in front of him. He looked familiar, Nari couldn't place it bur she knew him, not personally.

" Nari! "

She turned around seeing her siblings smiling walking up to her, her lips curled into a soft smile but she turned around and he was gone, her smile fell and a frown appeared on her lips " What's wrong? " Nathaniel asked, Nari faced her brother, for once, he wasn't wearing suits, he wore black pants, a gray polo sweatshirt, with a white shirt underneath, she could tell because it was leaking out and a white shoes, his hair was swooped up elegantly, beside him Vivian wore a beautiful purple sundress with silver flats.

Nari shook her head, a couple stands of her hair falling in front " I'm not sure- " She leaned forward " Seen this guy, he was staring at Caroline but I don't get a good vibe from him at all " She leaned back as Vivian and Nathaniel shared a look " Might be nothing, but just keep an eye out " Vivian suggested with a small shrug

Nari nodded but something deep down told her that it wasn't nothing but something more something big.

Vivian gave a bright smile and grabbed the pamphlets from her sister and placed them on a nearby bench, she grabbed her hand " Now! Let's get our faces painted. Oppa promised me he could get painted as a tiger " Nathaniel pushed his glasses up and he shook his head " I didn't promise anything- " Vivian's shoulder slouched and she looked at him with sad eyes " But fine, i'll get painted " Vivian smiled, no longer being sad " Yes! "

Nari laughed looking at her brother who scowled at her, and he flicked her nose making her flinch " What's so funny? Viv will make you get painted " Nari scoffed and she shook her her " No chance " Nathaniel laughed as if she told the biggest joke " We will see "

WE WILL SEE INDEED, Vivian had forced her to get painted and now Nari had a blue butterfly painted across her face, Nathaniel was beside her smirking at her. His own face painted like a tiger, on the other side of Vivian she had a pink butterfly across her face. The three siblings were walking around, lighting peoples candle up, Nathaniel without looking lit up a candle, he didn't see Vivian and Nari exchanging a secret look.

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