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Season One, Episode Three

   WHEN NARI KANG WOKE UP SHE HAD A BAD feeling, she didn't know what it was but a shiver ran down her spine when the bright sun shone in her room, brushing across her face like a father waking up a child up for school

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   WHEN NARI KANG WOKE UP SHE HAD A BAD feeling, she didn't know what it was but a shiver ran down her spine when the bright sun shone in her room, brushing across her face like a father waking up a child up for school. Nari looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her hand down the side of her neck, for a moment she saw a vampire bite on the side of her neck before it vanished " What the fuck " she whispered under her breath, something was wrong, she knew that, she didn't know what and it frustrated her.

She shook her head, shaking the thoughts out and left her room, her heels clicking on the stairs, the minute she walked into the dining room, Vivian whistled loudly " Ouch! I think I got burned because my sister looks so hot " Vivian exclaimed flinching from the fake burn, Nathaniel shook his head rubbing the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses down slightly.

Nari rolled her eyes, a fake pout formed on her lips and she placed her hands on her hip as she stood by the chair she was going to sit " Do I not look hot everyday! Betrayal! " She gasped dramatically.

" No! No! You do — " Vivian exclaimed before a sick smile crossed her features " Today you look a lot hotter because you aren't wearing my clothes " Vivian looked her sister up and down, today she wore a black punk leather mini skirt that was mixed with a red plaid skirt, a belt made out of gun bullets, a gray short sleeve shirt, black low strap heels, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail " I love even hotter with your clothes on as they do look better on me " Nari retorted sitting down, shooting her sister a smile when Vivian glared at her.

" Just eat your breakfast then head to school " Nathaniel cut in before Vivian could say anything, his tone was stern, telling them that he didn't to sit and watch this argument but you could also sense the amusement deep in his voice.

" What are you doing today? " Vivian asked her brother then placing a grape in her mouth, mocking her, Nari did the same thing grabbing a stern glare from her brother but she merely smiled innocently " I have a couple of cases to go over so i'm staying in town for today " His sisters hummed, smiling at him.

" Speaking of the town, you were mingling - " Nari stretched the word out " with Constance. You made her laugh and all " Nari said, innocently looking at him, Nathaniel pushed his glasses up, a tiny blush making its way onto his lips as he remembered and then he groaned, remembering " She's complicated, I thought she was flirting with me but I don't think she was " Vivian looked at him and frowned " How were you guys flirting? "

Without thinking, Nathaniel repeated everything that had happened the night of the comet, when he finished, Nari looked at him weirdly, while Vivian looked away amused " I refuse to belive we're related. How is that flirting? " Nari said shaking her head. she stood up and stared at her brother disappointed.

" How isn't it? " Nathaniel retorted back only to get a scoff from Nari as she walked into kitchen carrying her empty plate, Nathaniel furrowed his brows and looked at Vivian in confusion but she only shook her head, leaned forward and patted his hand " Oh you poor poor man, how would you ever get married? " Vivian said shaking her head before standing up and leaving the dining room, Nathaniel huffs as he hears his siblings leave the house without saying goodbye to him.

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