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Season One, Episoe One

     NARI'S PHONE VIBRATES AGAINST her inner pocket of her all black hoodie " Why in gods name do you look emo? Have you been taking lessons from Jeremy Gilbert " An amused smile graced her features as Caroline Forbes stormed over, a red cup in he...

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     NARI'S PHONE VIBRATES AGAINST her inner pocket of her all black hoodie " Why in gods name do you look emo? Have you been taking lessons from Jeremy Gilbert " An amused smile graced her features as Caroline Forbes stormed over, a red cup in her hand, then Nari furrowed her brows and looked at her clothes, black jeans, black shoes and a black sweater
" What's wrong with my clothes? "

Caroline now standing in front of her scoffed, placing one of her hands on her waist " Emo " She said, tracing Nari's body " You look emo " Nari scoffed, shaking her head " Wearing all black does not make me look emo, Caroline " The blond shook her head muttering a whatever and grabbed Nari's arm dragging her deeper into the party " Let's have some fun! "

The two girls laughed and moved around the party, Nari having drank four red cups, and now as Stefan and Elena were walking on bridge, talking, she was doing a keg stand, her sweater had fallen showing her skin, and so her bra wouldn't show, Caroline held onto her sweater, everyone was cheering, chanting her name gaining everyone's attention's, Nari flipped over, stumbling on her feet but Caroline helped her while giggling, then two guys stumbled towards her, pouring vodka and tequila in Nari's mouth.

She closed her eyes at the burning taste, and tipped her head up, the liquor spilling down her face " WOO ! " Nari yelled throwing her hands in the air, and everyone cheered along with her, Nari's face flushed red, the alcohol getting to her.

Caroline gasped, abruptly pulling Nari to her side, the blond drunkly giggled " He's alone should I talk to him? " Nari furrowed her brows and followed Caroline's eyes to see Stefan Salvatore, now alone on the bridge and without thinking Nari nodded, giving the blond a thumbs up " Yeah! Go for it " Her speech obviously spoke volumes of being drunk.

Caroline giggled and shuffled off, Nari spun around, smiling, she stumbled onto her tree trunk and sat down, her hands shuffling as she took out her pack of cigarettes, she opened it pulled out a cigarette, her eyes moved around making sure no one had eyes on her and she magically lit up her cigarette, taking a small drag out of it, she brought her hand that wasn't holding onto the cigarette and wiped down her chin.

Nari was out of it, giggles flew out her mouth as she sat on the tree trunk, smoking her cigarette, she was paying no mind to anyone, It was just her until a scream echoed " Somebody help! "

Nari stood up, immediately sobering up, she stumbled towards where everyone was crowding, her cigarette on between her fingers " Somebody, call an ambulance! " Nari pursed her lips, taking a small smoke of her cigarette as she saw Vicky Donovan, blood seeping from her neck.

" Everyone back up, give her some space! " Tyler snapped, pushing people back and a second later Elena called out " It's her neck! Something bit her, she's losing a lot of blood, it's bad "

Nari looked around and stopped when she saw Stefan Salvatore, fire illuminating his skin, feeling her stare on him, he looked at Nari who took another smoke of her cigarette, Stefan swallowed at the question in her eyes Did you do this? He stepped back, fear in his eyes and then he turned around and left.

WE EAT GODS FOR DINNER, The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now