Chapter 1

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Amira's POV

I heard someone yelling my name over and over, but I was lost in my sleep until my mom removed my blanket and said, "Beta, it's your first day of college. You should get ready."

When I heard that, I instantly woke up, realizing it was August 6th—my first day of college! I quickly hugged my mom and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

Since it's my first day, I wanted to wear something comfortable yet cute. I settled on a light blue sundress and my favorite pair of white sneakers. I quickly packed my bag, making sure I had all the essentials: notebooks, pens, my laptop, and a bottle of water. After a quick breakfast, I left the house, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling inside me.

The sun was bright, casting a warm glow on the sprawling campus. It was my first day of college, and my heart was pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. I had no idea where the English Department was, and time was ticking away. I saw a guy sitting on a bench, talking animatedly on his phone.
"Excuse me," I said softly, but he didn't respond. He was too engrossed in his conversation about wedding attire. I shifted my weight, feeling a bit awkward. "Excuse me," I tried again, louder this time. He still ignored me.

Desperation was setting in. "Excuse me," I almost pleaded, my voice tinged with frustration. Finally, he glanced up, and for a moment, his eyes seemed to lock onto mine. There was something intense and captivating about his gaze. He was undeniably handsome, but there was an air of arrogance around him.

"First day of college?" he asked, his voice low and somewhat mocking.
I nodded, feeling my cheeks flush. "Yes, can you please help? I'm getting late."
He just smirked, not saying a word. My frustration turned to annoyance. What a jerk, I thought. Without another word, I turned on my heel and walked away, determined to find the department on my own. As I left, I couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes on my back.

Agastya's Point of View
The morning was typical—another day, another set of problems. My brother was getting married, and he was freaking out about which suit to wear. As I sat on the bench, phone pressed to my ear, I heard a faint voice. Ignoring it, I continued advising my brother.
"Just wear the blue one," I said, exasperated.

"Excuse me," the voice came again, louder this time. I ignored it once more, focusing on my conversation.
"Seriously, it's not that hard," I muttered into the phone, rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me," the voice insisted. Annoyed, I finally looked up, ready to snap at whoever it was. But the words died in my throat. She was stunning. Long hair, bright eyes, a look of innocence and kindness. She was clearly new here, her expression a mix of hope and anxiety.

"First day of college?" I asked, masking my surprise with a smirk.
She nodded, looking a bit flustered. "Yes, can you please help? I'm getting late."
Instead of answering, I just smirked, enjoying her frustration. There was something about her that drew me in, but I wasn't about to let it show. She glared at me, her eyes flashing with annoyance, "asshole"  then turned and walked away. I watched her go, a strange feeling settling in my chest. This year was suddenly looking a lot more interesting. As I watched her walk away, a strange mix of curiosity and amusement bubbled within me. Who was this girl who dared to show such arrogance to me? No one usually had the nerve. I had to know more about her.

Lost in my thoughts, I was grinning to myself when my friends walked up. "Whoa, what has made our Mr. Moody smile?" one of them teased.

I looked at them and smirked. "Not what you should ask, Who," I corrected, leaning back against the bench.
They erupted into hoots and laughter. "Who has made our boy smile?" they demanded, jostling me playfully.
I just shook my head, still smiling, and stood up. "You'll find out soon enough," I said, leaving them with more questions than answers. I made my way to class, the mysterious girl slipping from my mind as the day's routine took over.
Classes went by in a blur. It wasn't until the end of the day, as I made my way to the parking lot, that I saw her again. She was standing near my car, talking to someone. I slowed my pace, listening.

"...this one boy made me late to my first day of college by not telling me where the department was, I could have asked someone else but there was no one in campus as I already got late. He's such a asshole," she was saying, clearly annoyed.
I couldn't resist. I walked up behind her and leaned in close. "Trust me, I'm not that bad, little miss," I whispered, then winked at her before heading to my car.
I could hear her growl of frustration behind me as I got into my car and drove off, a smirk playing on my lips. This was going to be interesting.

Amira's Point of View

What a weirdo he is!
I freaking asked him to help me, and he just stood there smirking? The nerve! I couldn't stop myself from calling him asshole to his face. Annoyed and flustered, I walked away, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and frustration. Of course, I ended up late for my first class, but thankfully, the professor was understanding and forgave me.

The day got better when I met Zoi, a sweet and bubbly girl who instantly became a friend. Her kindness and cheerful attitude made me forget about the morning's mishap. We laughed and chatted, and soon the anger dissipated.
By the time 5 PM rolled around, I felt more settled. I got a call from my best friend, eager to hear about my first day. As soon as I picked up, I launched into a rant about the guy who made me late

"He's such a asshole !" I vented, my voice full of exasperation. "Can you believe it? He just stood there, smirking at me like it was some kind of joke."
Just as I was finishing my rant, I heard footsteps behind me. A familiar voice said, "Trust me, I'm not that bad, little miss"
I jumped, my heart leaping into my throat. It was him again, that infuriating guy from the morning. "Urghhhh, this guy!" I muttered, feeling my face heat up with anger. "I can't stand him."

He winked at me again, that same smug expression on his face, and then walked away, leaving me fuming. This was not the way I had imagined my first day of college to go.

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