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And so, we drift back to Cocoyashi. The skies couldn't be bluer as Luffy and Nami prepared to set sail after spending some downtime Nojiko's, who braced herself to bid her relatives farewell.

"I owe you one." Nami wrapped her arms around her, who returned the embrace with a playful pat on the back. 

"Ah, bullshit." The purple-haired pulled away. "You guys can stop by anytime, no burden or anything." 

"I'll miss you so much..." The redhead's eyes glistened with unshed tears. 

"Why are you crying?" Luffy intervened, cupping his wife's face with an uneasy expression.

"I'm okay, you dummy." She chuckled. "We should get going. Seems like the weather will be on our side, at least for today." 

"Okay. Bye." The raven-haired gave a final glance to his sister-in-law before heading to the ship.

Both sisters exchanged bemused glances. Still, there was an undeniable familiarity when it came to the great Pirate King's ill manners. 

"Do you want me to be honest with you?" Nojiko drifted her gaze back to Nami. "Maybe you guys should consider retiring—"

"Consider what?" Luffy approached from the Sunny's deck. 

"Nothing you should worry about." Nami squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "Why don't you wait at the bow?"

"But what is it?"

"Luffy. Go. To. The bow."

Wide eyed at the sudden sternness in his wife's voice, he obeyed rapidly. Nami turned back towards Nojiko, her voice now barely above a whisper. 

"Retiring, you say? Now that's bullshit."

"Nami. Life hasn't been treating him well, and let's not even talk about the seas. Yes, he's the strongest man in the world— physically. But... How about emotionally?"

"I-I really don't want him to suffer anymore..."

"Exactly." Nojiko placed a hand on her sister's shoulder. "I know it's hard, but at this point, it's the best you can do for him."

"Nami! Hurry up!!" Luffy called from the Sunny's deck. 

The redhead felt a lump on her throat at the sight of her husband. 

"I'll talk to him. Thanks, Nojiko."

"Just remember: It's up to you. Take care, okay?"

Nami nodded before setting foot in the vessel. As soon as she placed her hands on the rudder, they moved further and further from the dock until the island became completely invisible. 

Something she had noticed from the last couple of years was the deck's remarkable silence, a stark contrast from when the crew was still united. They had all taken their separate ways, patently a bittersweet aspect of their finished journey. 

With that, her mind wandered back to Nojiko's words. What if she was right? Because, frankly speaking, the idea of having a peaceful life with the man she loved sounded pretty nice. Picturing this, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 

The sun had began its descent from the horizon, casting a golden hue over the sea. Intending to have a brief pause on her navigation for the night, she walked towards her partner, the tension growing heavy with each step. 



Her breath caught in her throat, unsure on how to proceed with the conversation. She forced a smile, brushing off each of her sisters' words. 

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