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The world could've sworn they were dead, but it took way more than the unforgiving seas to take down our beloved Heart Pirates. 

Even after all these years, their spirit remained unscathed. The world had changed, but so had they. Stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever, they were ready to carve out their place in the new era.

Cutting through the abyssal depths aboard their new submarine, built by none other than Franky himself: The Shinen.

It was a marvel of modern engineering, equipped with state-of-the-art navigation systems, stealth capabilities, and enough firepower to rival an entire navy. Its sleek, dark hull was designed to withstand the crushing pressures of the deepest trenches, allowing its crew to travel where few even dared to venture.

Whispers of their reemergence began to surface. Pirates and marines alike spoke of the ghost ship that moved beneath the waves, led by the Surgeon of Death. Their return was inevitable, certainly, a force to be reckoned with.

It was in the vessel's command center that stood a distinctive figure, who despite having lost his youth, literally and figuratively, continued to steal women's hearts (yes, Hachi. I'm talking about you).

Yep, you guessed: I'm talking about Trafalgar Law. 

He looked around, the hum of the machinery and the soft glow of the control panels complementing the shared camaraderie of his subordinates, a pang of affinity stirring within him. 

Lost in his reverie, his mind drifted towards certain youngster who had broken into his life in the most unexpected of ways. 


And now, the spotlight shifts towards one of the submarine's quarters. Its walls were adorned with textbook clippings and colorful string lights. Inside, sat a petite, young man, meeting his own gaze in the mirror as he gently stroked his hair, ensuring he looked presentable.

"Remember, Junsui." He muttered. "Always assess the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation first—ABC. Check for signs of cyanosis or pallor that might indicate hypoxia or shock."

He zipped up his uniform, therefore adjusting his collar. 

"For trauma cases, conduct a primary survey. Identify any life-threatening injuries. Remember the Glasgow Coma Scale to evaluate consciousness levels. Pupillary response is crucial—unequal pupils could indicate intracranial pressure."

He took a deep breath before stepping into the corridor. Years had passed since he first set foot on the Shinen, having been taken under his mentor, Law's wing. Still, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness whenever he stood beside him.

There was nothing he wanted more than make him proud. He tilted his head up, straightening his posture. 

"I won't let you down, Law-san."

And so, he made his way into the mess hall, where his crewmates awaited him. He pushed the door open, greeted by friendly salutations and pats on the back before settling on a lonely table. 

His gaze darted throughout the room, grasping the hem of his cardigan with a nervous smile. The teeming environment had become familiar for the stripling. Then, he felt a familiar hand (or paw) being placed on his shoulder, turning around to meet one of his closest crewmates' gaze.

"Oi, Junsui-kun." Bepo, the polar bear mink, gave him a warm smile. "Why so lonely?"

"Oh! Uhm... I just didn't want to interrupt." 

One Piece: The Sacred Justice ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now