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Some people call him a mythomaniac. Others call him a god. But only few can call him family. The valorous Sea Warrior with the enlarged nose and telltale nature, famous for being once part of the infamous Strawhats. 

Lucky were those who glimpsed his wandering form—a nomadic hero, sacrificing the warmth of family for the call of adventure and the duty to protect those in need.

Roving the world, his mind flooded with the images of his wife and daughter, who was barely a baby the last time he held her. And so, every Monday, tea time sharp, he'd check the newspaper. 

His curls cascaded past his shoulders as he collapsed into the chair on his hostel's porch. It was a humble installation, surrounded by gorgeous camellia fields, their fragrance mingling with the warm noon air, a bittersweet reminder of home.

"Kaya would love it here..." He murmured to himself, a lump forming on his throat.

And so, he plowed through the articles. His eyes lit up at the sight of a familiar young woman, her voluminous locks tied in a big bun. She had a mesmerizing smile, plus, a rather decent bounty of 90,000,000 berries.

"That's my girl." He leaned back into his seat, pride engraved all over his face.


The Thousand Sunny made its way through the serene waves. Safe to say, there were perfect conditions for navigating: The sun shone, the skies were clear and seagulls soared nearby. It was a scene steeped in nostalgia for our next subject.

"Man, how I missed this." Sanji, who ambled through the deck, inhaled the salty breeze before lighting his cigarette. 

Memories of his fast-paced youth began to resurface, realizing he'd give anything to go back and allow himself to live so carelessly. The laughter, the fights, the women...

His thoughts were interrupted by nothing less than Luffy's boisterous laughter, swinging through the shrouds with palpable excitement. He couldn't blame him, though. He had just found out his presumably dead daughter was still alive and well, within what fitted. 

"Oi. Keep it down, will you?" The blond looked up to his captain, who stretched himself back towards the deck. 

"Shishishi! Sorry, Sanji! Can't help it!"

"Well, you better do if you don't want me to dislocate your jaw." 

But he didn't really mean it, having become more of a habit than an actual display of annoyance.

"That idiot..." A faint smile crossed his features as he continued his stroll. "All grown up, and still doesn't know how to behave."

And so, he headed to the kitchen. On his way, he could see pictures from when the crew was still united, as well as from weddings and farewell parties. Yet, only one captured his interest.

It had a tiny, raven-haired girl. She had a serious expression, bordering on a scowl. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were all puffy, like if she were previously crying. 

Sanji couldn't help but feel amusement at the strangely humorous sight. All of his crewmates had either continued to work on their dreams or started a family. Deep down, he might've chosen the latter option, except for a little problem...

He just couldn't. 

And the problem didn't solely depend on that he still hadn't found the love of his life, but on his inability to expand his bloodline, said in an euphemistic manner. 

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