chopper's files - 蝶の感染症

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Mostly found in rice fields, the gohan-no-cho larvae enters in contact with the human body, adheres to any kind of fabric until the victim falls asleep. It then enters the body through any possible entrance. The larvae slowly feeds itself on the victim's nutrients, causing paleness and weight loss.

After 2-4 years, the larvae is almost fully developed, entering a stage in which it starts feeding on the organs: if not treated properly, it may reach vital ones such as the heart, brain and lungs. The yellow stains are caused by the larvae's yellowish tint, which slowly dilutes into bodily fluids and adheres to the skin.

When it reaches the brain, it can cause severe paralysis. When the victim finally passes away, the larvae has reached such size that it finally leaves the body, perforating the skull and wrapping itself on a small cocoon to later blossom as a butterfly.

It migrates during winter back to northern rice fields, where the cycle is repeated. The symptoms may vary, depending on the illness' development:

-Early stages:



Loss of appetite.

Weight loss.

-Transition to advanced stages:

Yellow stains on places such as chest, abdomen and back.

Fevers over 40° degrees.

-Advanced stages (terminal)

Lack of vision.

Loss of blood through bodily fluids (mostly vomit).



-Moments before death

Complete inability to move.

Loss of consciousness due to brain failure.

Tachycardia due to blood loss.

-After death

The entire corpse turns into a yellowish color.

The treatment consists on an intravenous serum made from a flower endemic from Tsubaki island: the Dragon Camellia. It grows specifically on the mountain ranges that border the area, their healing properties being enough to eradicate the infection. Some of its side effects are the following:

-Extremities gone numb.


-Mild cognitive malfunctions. 

The patient must be put into absolute rest (preferably in bed) for around two to three and a half months. After the larvae finally succumbs under the effects of the serum, the patient will have to undergo surgery to remove the corpses. 

The complete healing process may last up to two years.

Good luck.

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