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The shopkeeper tilted her head as she caught sight of a solidly built maiden, whom she received with a smile. The colleen simply nodded in acknowledgment as she headed to the counter, placing a quite rusty sword on it. 

"Nice blade you've got there." The elder said with a grin. 

"Pretty much. Do you think I can still trade this one?"

"Well, in that case, I would have to take a look." 

"Sure. It's all yours, ma'am."

As the shopkeeper examined the sword, another figure approached from behind, her features darkened by a navy blue cloak. 

"A Kurotsubasa..."

"Yeah. Pretty rare, eh?"

"How did you get it?" The raven-haired inquired, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"My uncle got it for me during one of his trips, but it seems like it won't last much."

Before they could even realize, a silent understanding passed between them.

"Name's Kuina, by the way." The swordswoman turned towards her hooded acquaintance.


"Uhm... aren't ya gonna tell me your name?"

The latter shook her head. Kuina, far from fiddling, burst into laughter, caught off guard by the lass's bluntness. 

"Something tells me we'll get along just fine." She said with a grin. 

"I dunno. I just like swords."

"Huh. Maybe after I pick out a new one, we could have a friendly spar. Whatcha say?"

But the young lady barely paid attention as she drifted her gaze towards one of the displays, her eyes widening beneath the hood's shadow. 

"A Hikarimaru." Her fingers brushed against the glass.

"Ah, yes. Seems like your friend has a good eye for these kinds of things." The shopkeeper approached, holding the blade on her hands for the women to get a closer look. 

"Can I?" Kuina hesitantly grasped the hilt. 

"If you want it, it's all yours." The elder headed back to the counter. 

"Nice..." The ebony-haired made a few movements, impressed by her new acquisition's incredibly smooth performance.

"So... are we going to spar or not?" The hooded figure approached, her hands fidgeting unsteadily.

"Why don't we head outside? I know a spot that's just perfect for this kinda stuff." 

"Yeah, but be careful out there." The shopkeeper gave them one last, knowing beam. "I've heard rumors that there's a murderer on the loose."

"Pfft." Kuina scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. "Also, thanks for the sword, grams."

"You're welcome, my dear."


Both dames headed to a wide spot at the broad marketplace's centre. The ocean's saline scent and the colorful string lights created an almost perfect backdrop, their exuded quietness  a shallow contrast to the rising tension.

Many of the locals gathered to witness the forthcoming combat, which they evidently wouldn't miss for anything in the world.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you." Kuina tightened her grip on both her swords' hilts. 

One Piece: The Sacred Justice ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now