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And now, we encounter ourselves in the stunning lands of Ogawajima, characterized by it's maze-like water channels. Their exorbitant sodium content caused their edges to crystallize, dissolving in the air's humidity. The scent of salt was pungent to the point that face masks were compulsory between locals. 

 Venturing deeper into the island, we come across the Heart Pirates. After months of uninterrupted navigation, they had disembarked for their routine provision check, although this was far from the ideal place to do so.

Buildings were few on the island due to the soggy and unstable ground created by the surrounding aquatic bodies. The unfavorable conditions often drew complaints from the crew about some burning sensation on their throats or nostrils, leaving Law with a bad taste in the mouth (not only because of the salt).

Amidst the discomfort, his attention remained firmly on Junsui, whose normally shy demeanor seemed clouded by an unusual pallor. The young man leaned heavily on him as they walked, his breaths shallow and labored.

"Oi, buddy. Is everything alright?" Penguin approached. "You seem a bit off."

"I-I'm okay..." The youngster waved his hand dismissively before stumbling forward, inches away from the ground.

"Junsui!" Law caught him just in time, noticing the way in which he clutched his chest. 

The youngster's fingers dug into his cardigan, grimacing in pain. Bepo immediately scooped him up into his paws, cradling him protectively. The rest of the crew gathered around, their worry palpable as Law cursed under his breath, taking the boy's pulse and questioning whether it had been a good idea to ashore there in the first place. 

"We need to find somewhere roofed..." He uttered. 

His keen eyes quickly spotted a quaint hostel. He didn't hesitate before taking the lead, hastily pushing open the heavy wooden doors. His strides resonated across the lobby, with its plush furniture, high ceilings and dazzling chandeliers. Law smashed his fist against the clerk's desk, shooting him a glare that could've cut through steel.

They made their way through the hallways, drawing bewildered glances from the other guests. The crew was dispersed into different chambers as Law entered his, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin trailing right behind him, Junsui in tow. 

They carefully placed him on the bed. Having surveyed his vitals and ministered proper treatment, a sigh of relief escaped the surgeon's lips when the youngster's condition began to stabilize, not without leaving him in a rather exerted state.

"Better?" Law squeezed his hand gently, pressing it against his cheek. 

Junsui nodded, lifting his thumb in reassurance, though his smile said it all. 

Bepo, Shachi and Penguin exchanged knowing glances. The tenderness in their captain's gaze was a rare sight coming from his usual stoic appearance. He seemed to harbor a soft spot for the boy that —ironically— had stolen his heart.

As soon as the stripling dozed off, the elders departed from the room, joining the rest of the crew at the hostel's lounge, where the sound of clinking cups and distant chatter mingled with the soft, classical music played by some nearby record player. 

Meanwhile, Junsui's form lay completely covered in blankets, his arms wrapped tightly around a pillow in a haven of lavender scented candles, air conditioning and elegant wallpapers.

His eyes fluttered open to a thudding sound coming from his window. He tilted his head, curiosity piqued as he slowly motioned towards the edge of the bed, squinting in an attempt to assess the situation. 

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